Adamant a- "not" + daman "to conquer, to tame"


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Presentation transcript:

Adamant a- "not" + daman "to conquer, to tame" (adjective) Firm in purpose or opinion, unyielding, obdurate, implacable, inflexible; (noun) an extremely hard substance

Brouhaha Gamillscheg to have been, in medieval theater, "the cry of the devil disguised as clergy." This is the South Korean Senate floor. If C-Span aired stuff like this, I would watch senate hearings more often. Obama roundhouses Senator Boehner, and drop kicks Steele. (noun) a confused hodgepodge of sounds, hubbub; an uproar or commotion that goes far beyond what is justified Synonyms: furor, hullabaloo, tumult, pandemonium

Bulwark bolwerc, from bole "plank, tree trunk" bolwerc, from bole "plank, tree trunk" (noun) a strong defense or protection, a solid wall-like structure for defense; (verb) to provide such a defense or protection Synonyms: stronghold, citadel, bastion, rampart Antonyms: breach weak point in the defense

Choleric (adjective) easily made angry, bad-tempered. cholericus, from Gk. kholerikos (adjective) easily made angry, bad-tempered. Synonyms: irascible, testy, splenetic, bilious Antonyms: affable, genial, even-tempered

Cloy Latin inclavare "drive a nail into a horse's foot when shoeing," from Latin clavus "a nail" (noun) to spoil or destroy an appetite by too much indulgence in sweet or rich things; to glut, satiate, surfeit

Curtail curtus; see curt) + -ault pejorative suffix of Germanic origin (verb) to cut short, bring to a halt or end sooner than expected; to reduce Synonyms: limit, abbreviate, abridge, contract Antonyms: protract, extend

Deference (noun) courteous yielding to the wishes and ideas of another person; great respect marked by submission, as to a superior Synonyms: respect, consideration, courtesy Antonyms: contempt, disrespect, scorn, disdain

Bolt is the fastest man. Period. Definitive Bolt is the fastest man. Period. (see de-) + finire "to bound, limit," from finis "boundary, end" (adjective) conclusive, final, representing the limit of what can be done Synonyms: exhaustive, authoritative Antonyms: tentative, inconclusive

Demeanor (see de-) + mener "to lead, direct," (noun) the way a person behaves, overall impression made by comportment, manner, etc.; facial appearance, mien. Synonyms: conduct, behavior, bearing, carriage

enigmatic Latin aenigma "riddle," (adjective) puzzling, perplexing, inexplicable, not easily understood Synonyms: baffling, mysterious, inexplicable Antonyms: intelligible, understandable, fathomable

Impromptu in- + promptu = pro- "before, forward, for" + emere (adjective) without preparation, offhand, suddenly or hastily done; (noun) an extemporaneous composition or remark; a minimal piece suggestive of improvisation Synonyms: spontaneous, improvised, unrehearsed Antonym: rehearsed, planned, prepared, premeditated.

Mawkish from Middle English mawke "maggot" (adjective) excessively and objectionably sentimental; having a mildly sickening flavor. Synonyms: sentimentalized, maudlin, mushy, nauseating Antonyms: unsentimental, callous, insensitive

Mollify mollificus "softening," from Latin mollis "soft" (see melt (v.)) + root of facere "to make" (verb) to soften, make gentle, pacify; to calm, allay (as an emotion), assuage, appease, placate; to reduce intensity Antonyms: enrage, anger, aggravate, exacerbate

Onus Latin onus probandi (1722), literally "burden of proving." (Noun) something that is heavy or burdensome (especially an unwelcome responsibility); stigma; blame. Synonyms: burden, obligation, duty, stigma

Presentiment (noun) a vague sense of approaching misfortune Red sky in morning… (noun) a vague sense of approaching misfortune Synonyms: foreboding, premonition, hunch

Profligate (adjective) given over to dissipation and self-indulgence, immoral; recklessly extravagant; (noun) a person given to self-indulgent and wild spending Synonyms: prodigal, improvident, spendthrift Antonyms: penny pinching, frugal, economical

Remit (verb) to send or hand in (as money); to cancel (as a penalty or punishment) forgive, pardon; to lessen, diminish; to put off, postpone, defer . Synonyms: pay, absolve, subside, abate

Requisite (adjective) needed, necessary, regarded as essential or indispensable Synonyms: required, obligatory, incumbent Antonyms: nonessential, superfluous, optional

Sartorial Bob’s next stop is the salon for a little eyebrow shaping. (adjective) of or pertaining to a tailor or his work; having to do with clothes or dress (especially men’s)

Thwart (verb) to oppose successfully, to prevent, frustrate Synonyms: foil baffle Antonyms: aid, assist, abet, further