Management & Leadership Skills Development Programme Welcome to Workshop 2
2.1.1: Review of action planning Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Discuss engagement in the learning process Describe what they learned between workshops and how they learned it
Practical info and housekeeping
Useful information:
Please be on time for start of the sessions!
“ Ground rules” This is your learning – get the most out of it! If we are talking too fast – stop us! Kindly turn off mobile phones and laptops!
We are looking forward to having some fun and productive learning together!
Questions? If any questions, please ask us! Also, see flipchart by the door for questions
Participants’ journey
Objectives for Workshop 2 By the end of workshop 2, participants will be able to: Identify key themes of humanitarian leadership and developed associated skills of decision-making and influencing Carry out contextual analysis to improve skills of critical judgement Identify actions to work through humanitarian challenges and problems Analyse risks to improve design, management and impact of humanitarian programmes
Introduction exercise: What key points do you remember from Workshop 1? What was the best thing about working with this group in Workshop 1? How can we recreate that feeling during Workshop 2?
Revisiting your action plans: What did you achieve of your intended actions? What went to plan? What did not? What did you do when it did not work out as you expected? Who were your key allies?
Workshop agenda Day 1 Building and leading effective teams Day 2 Influencing and critical judgement Day 3 Looking forward