Boosting Eco-technologies through Verification Timo Makela European Commission DG Environment
Timo Makela, European Commission – Boosting eco-technologies through verification Environmental challenges Green House Gas emissions up 70%: Ecological footprint EU 2,5 earths; USA 4.5 earths Plastic to landfill up 21%:
Timo Makela, European Commission – Boosting eco-technologies through verification Greener technologies needed! Unsustainable lifestyle – need 50% less CO 2 Population and living standards – 6 times demand by 2050 EU waste per year: 15 million cars, 100 million mobile phones
Timo Makela, European Commission – Boosting eco-technologies through verification Markets for eco-industries Eco-Industries in EU Turnover €227 billion = 2.2% of GDP= 3.4 M jobs World market € 1,000 billion (2005) -> € 2,200 billion (2020) EU strong player ~ 30% of world turnover Water & waste management > 50% share
Timo Makela, European Commission – Boosting eco-technologies through verification EU Action Plan ETAP Getting from Research to Markets Improving Market Conditions Acting Globally
Timo Makela, European Commission – Boosting eco-technologies through verification Verification and testing Independent validation of performance is key to increase confidence Networking centres for the testing and verification of technologies Towards an EU ETV Scheme: Commission proposal in 2008
Timo Makela, European Commission – Boosting eco-technologies through verification Forum on eco-innovation Exchange information and views on existing systems and projects Scope, economics, international aspects Public consultation on an EU ETV scheme Be bold, innovative, forward-looking!