1 Georgiana Weatherill – Leeds City College Helen Cutts – Wigan & Leigh College A Survival Guide to Sustainable Development in Further Education
2 Round the room introductions…. Who are you? Which organisation are you from? Your department? Your specific interest in SD
3 Starting Off Most of those responsible sit within the Estates & Facilities department. This approach therefore tends to focus on operational matters and would include: Sustainability Policy; Waste Procedures; Energy Procedures; Travel Plan; Carbon Management Plan.
4 What is Carbon Management? Management of Physical Resources…? Colleges can be divided into the management of financial, physical and human resources This reflects the economic, social and environmental themes of sustainable development
6 The Carbon Management Programme 45 Colleges of the 347 (12%) Colleges in England participated in the 2011 Carbon Management Programme The output for each College - a Board and Carbon Trust endorsed Carbon Management Plan Average Carbon Reduction target was 28% Average cost saving per College was £189k (25%) BUT!
7 BUT… …As we will see, much of these savings are reliant on up front capital investment
8 Estates practitioners to focus on: Poor performing buildings High energy use activities Quick and easy wins Overall, the message was you can’t manage what you can’t measure.
9 98% of emissions from direct building energy use
10 Collective Carbon Footprint = 133,616 tonnes CO 2 Average for FE = 2,600 tCO 2 (1 house = 5 tCO 2 )
12 But….
14 What is Carbon Management?
15 Colleges like each facet of SD tend to be managed in Silos If direct investment is not optional, social changes must realise environmental savings. This requires a shift in responsibility from Estates to all building users …Thoughts?
16 Group Discussion What has been your biggest success? What is your biggest challenge (not necessarily SD related…)?
17 Living Lessons Electrical Engineering students at WLC use utility data as part of an energy unit. Catering students provide ‘sustainable’ meals for events. Leeds University post- graduate using LCC travel data for MSc dissertation
18 Senior Management Commitment
19 Resources
20 Resources
21 Resources
22 Resources
23 Resources
24 Starting Off Hold some events! Tie in with national campaigns e.g. Fairtrade Fortnight, Climate Week, World Environment Day. Ask your local Council for support e.g. Local Sustainable Transport Fund initiatives.
25 Regional Sustainability Advisers RegionName East MidlandsRoy Morgan-Wood Leicester College East of EnglandEsin Esat Bedford College LondonGraham Petersen South Thames College North EastAnn Anthony Stockton Riverside College North WestHelen Cutts Wigan and Leigh College South EastHoward Lee Hadlow College South WestDi Dale Wiltshire College West MidlandsMark Phillips South Staffordshire College Yorkshire & the HumberGeorgiana Weatherill Leeds City College
26 Leaders of the Future 25 th – 26 th June 2013 This is a two-day residential course with ample opportunities for learning, sharing and networking through a varied programme of workshops, presentations, activities and discussions, featuring sustainability leaders from within and outside the sector. You will leave the course with an action plan ready to implement into your organisation. Book by 31 st May to use LSIS Account 82e d003c34&type=2000
27 If you don’t do anything else… Your ‘aha’ moment You can’t manage what you don’t measure. People consume the most energy in buildings, not the buildings themselves. Collaborate locally, or nationally.