History of the Ancient and Medieval World The Middle Ages: Rebuilding
Chansons de Geste: First Literature Question: What does the death of Roland reveal about the key values/ideals of feudal society? (5 points) Roland swearing allegiance to his lord, Charlemagne
Kievan Rus: A.D. Create a web of Influence to explain the development of Kievan Rus. *Kievan Rus Varangians Sailing Trade management Varangians Sailing Trade management Byzantines Alphabet Religion Art, music Architecture trade Byzantines Alphabet Religion Art, music Architecture trade Slavs Ethnic base Language Customs Agriculture Slavs Ethnic base Language Customs Agriculture *Not a good example of feudal state.
Assignment 1 Read pages , text Assessment 1-2 Study Overviews: Side board of classroom
Economic Expansion and Change (pp ) Agricultural Revolution Revival of Trade Commercial Revolution Role of Guilds Daily Life in a Medieval City Comprehension / Critical Thinking (#3-7) Economic Recovery: Graphic Organizer
Assignment 2 Read pages Study page 188 for help in doing extra-credit project Extra Credit: Feudal Obligations due Friday
Early Feudal State Normandy: Successful Mini-State Animated Bayeux Tapestry Bayeux Tapestry Puzzle (In-Class Activity)
Assignment 3 View Animated Bayeux Tapestry (link on preceding slide) Read pages Bring scissors and glue stick Extra Credit: Feudal Obligations due Friday
Assignment 4 Complete in-class project ( Audition paper) Reminder to Book Club Members: You should be reading!!!! Generic plan of a medieval manor; open- field strip farming, some enclosures, triennial crop rotation, demesne and manse, common woodland, pasturage and meadowcrop rotationdemesne manse Manorialism: economic basis of feudalism
Recovery, cont. Feudalism and manorialism The Church Revival of Trade and Growth of Towns The Feudal Mini-state Cleric, Knight and Peasant
Feudalism Norman knight wearing chain mail Norman Church Romanesque Architecture and Obligations (Each image is a link.)
The Church Question: What is the relationship between the Gregorian Chant and life in a medieval monastery? Background: This style of singing grew out of Jewish worship traditions and was influenced by the music of the Greek Church. The name Gregorian Chant comes from Pope Gregory I, , biographer of St. Benedict. He set up schools to teach the proper forms of chant and collect and preserve the singing of the monks. Consider: rhythm, beat, language, effect
Assignment 5 Text, read pp (The Church) Take notes using the concept web illustrated at top of pp Assessment, pp 196, #1-2 (definition of terms)
Assignment 6 Read photocopy: What Happened After Hastings. Read and complete photocopy : Skill Application: Charts and Graphs (Medieval Castle) Prepare for Friday’s Quiz, e.g. work on practice visuals, Bayeux Tapestry file on Blackbaud.
Quiz Overview (for Friday 2/15) Based on Videos, Class Notes, Text, Chapter 8 8 Matching: key terms and people 8 Multiple Choice 1 short answer question 2 visual identifications (Bayeux Tapestry) 1 reading with 3 questions. 1 bonus question Reminder to Book Club Members: You should be reading!!!!