MODULE OVERVIEW SESSION I: Group Activity: Stakeholder Management SESSION II: Managing Consolidated Process SESSION III: Roles & Responsibilities Country Coordinating Mechanism PR Roles & Responsibilities Role of Sector-wide Teams & Programmes Consultant Roles 2
SESSION I: GROUP ACTIVITY STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT PLENARY EXERCISE 1.Who are key stakeholders who should be involved 2. What documents may be used and /or developed to enhance grant consolidation? 3. What Technical Teams can be formed? 4.Who would be the Management/ Coordination team in your country? 5.What could be the working relationships between the Technical and Coordinating teams? Present an organogram of the key stakeholders and indicate their key roles in the process 3
SESSION II: MANAGING THE CONSOLIDATION WORK Consolidating Technical Teams Consolidation Tools and Documents Consolidation Working Sessions M&E Working Team Workplans & Budget Team PHPM / PSM Plan Working Team PR Performance Framework PR M&E Plan Correspondence Tables and Alignment Forms PR Approved Workplans & Budgets Correspondence Tables & Alignment Forms PR PHPM/PSM Country profile Correspondence Tables & Alignment Forms Technical Working Team Sessions One-on-one sessions Internal validation and restitution sessions Peer review Country Coordinating Mechanism Principal Recipient LFA Global Fund Secretariat Sector-wide Committees Disease Programmes 4
SESSION III: ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES CCM OVERSIGHT Identify in-country key stakeholders Communicate intention to move to SSF & expected benefits CCM Members to communicate to constituencies Communicate decision to transition to SSF to GF in writing Make decision to transition to SSF in consultation with PR & FPM Agree with PR & FPM on GC entry point Determine country preferred alignment cycles Ensure transition process consistent with fiscal policies & tax laws Harmonize transition process in proposal development roadmap Form working teams with clear ToRs to manage transition Assesses country capacity to consolidate Identify and seek relevant TS Guide, coordinate & link to technical teams Get updated key consolidation documents With FPM agree: start and end date of 1 st implementation period, review & cycles Communication & Advocacy Implementation Planning
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (2) PRINCIPAL RECIPIENTS' a) PRs, M&E, Procurement and other teams harmonize the grants in question b) Determine any overlap between the grants (e.g. duplication in staffing, training and management) c) Determine any gaps in activities and coverage d) Undertake detailed tasks of consolidation 6
ROLE OF SECTOR-WIDE TEAMS & PROGRAMMES CCM in consultation with Sector Wide Team and Disease Programmes to: Facilitate harmonization with national strategies & plans Ensure alignment and feasibility of review cycles & dates Ensure capacity of national system not surpassed Provide policy guidance when required Encourage adherence to international principles &standards ( IHP+, Three Ones, other) 7
MAIN CONSULTANT ROLES 6. Work with technical partners during peer review processes. 5.Document GC process and GC progress update. 4.Support consolidation of grant documents. 3.Work with country teams based on your scope of work. 2.Desk review of country grant portfolio and disease programs 1.Understand scope of work & get clarifications before accepting assignment 8
MODULE 6 PART 1 Stakeholder involvement and Planning for Grant consolidation BACK UP SLIDES 9
SUMMARY C HECKLIST FOR T RANSITION TO SSF (G LOBAL F UND ) Steps: 1. Planning 2. Implementation 3. Review and validation 10
1. PLANNING 11 CCM /PR, GF determine the grants to be consolidated PR briefings to CCM/ PR and Global Fund Secretariat, LFA Stakeholders agree on 1 st implementation period length, estimated maximum SSF budgets, and periodic review dates PR/ CCM assesses country capacity to transition to SSF CCM & PR harmonize detailed roadmap for consolidation with proposal development/ gap analysis and GF Form document consolidation working teams and obtain technical support to implement consolidation processes
PLANNING CONTINUES … 12 Link teams for proposal writing and grant consolidation if consolidating through a proposal Decide country’s preferred cycle for program alignment Determine country’s start date and length of the first implementation period Determine grant implementation status (funds spent; targets reached) Confirm first periodic review date Analyze legal, fiscal, tax and other potential implications of consolidation Estimate upper limit of financing for the consolidated grant
2. IMPLEMENTATION o Technical Teams harmonize grants (steps below mainly relevant to the workplan team) 13 Line up goals, objectives, and service delivery areas Merge and rationalize activities (be sure to keep approved activities from the existing grants) Determine any overlap between grants (e.g. duplication in staffing, training and management ) Determine any gaps in activities and coverage Match, re-order, merge (join), reschedule (re-target) and add activities if necessary
IMPLEMENTATION CONTINUES … Prepare consolidated grant documents for first period : 14 Consolidated Budget and Work planConsolidated Performance Framework National M&E Plan covering interventions of the consolidated grants (where available) Consolidated Procurement Plan / consolidated PSM Plans plus PHPM Country Profile (where available)
3. REVIEW AND VALIDATION 15 Analyze effects of consolidation on geographical coverage, SR and PR budgets and workloads M&E Team update indicators, Performance Framework, reporting formats, procedure and schedule PSM, Work plan and Budget teams update documents accordingly Teams present consolidated grant to proposal developers (if not the same team) Teams review consolidated documents and present to the CCM for validation
REVIEW AND VALIDATION CONTINUED … 16 CCM or PRs transmit final documents to LFA and GF Secretariat LFAs review consolidated documents & submit recommendations & documents to GF PRs and CCM respond to any clarification queries from GF The GF reviews SSF documents, LFA recommendations & proceed with grant negotiations CCM, PR and the GF Secretariat sign Single Stream Funding agreement
U SEFUL D OCUMENTS Checklists for Transition to SSF from the Global Fund and GMS Grant Management Solutions The Global Fund Secretariat UNAIDS Technical Support Facility The AIDS Alliance AIDSPAN 17 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS