Chapter 2 Life Skills Page 20-37
Objectives List the principles that contribute to personal and professional success. Describe good study habits. Create a mission statement. Explain how to set long-term and short-term goals. (continues)
Objectives Discuss the most effective ways to manage time. Define ethics. List the characteristics of a healthy, positive attitude. LEARNING MOTIVATION (WHY?) The fact that you are sitting in this classroom today is evidence that you’ve reached adulthood and, as a result, you may be wondering what else is there to learn about life skills and how to manage them effectively. It might be easier for you to understand their importance if you think of it like this. Imagine yourself on Christmas morning (sometime after midnight but before the little ones awake to see what Santa has brought them) in the garage with a huge box that contains all the parts and pieces necessary to put together a bicycle for little Johnnie. In your zeal to do something special for that angelic little one in your life, you rip open the box and begin laying out all the pieces and just when you’re all ready to begin the assembly, you realize that the box contains no directions, nor does it contain any tools for putting the bicycle together. It’s going to be difficult to get this huge project finished before little Johnnie wakes up, isn’t it? Now, you have all the parts and pieces of a great new bicycle, don’t you? However, they are of little importance unless they are actually put together into the finished product. You need instructions or a “plan” for assembly and you need wrenches and screw drivers, or “tools” necessary to build the bike. It is the same way with life. You have enrolled in school to obtain the skills necessary to become a licensed professional in the field of cosmetology. Here you will learn those technical skills necessary to perform the required services for your clients. But, as stated in your text, those technical skills must have a solid foundation of life skills in order to be effective. Let’s think of your life skills as that missing set of instructions and tools needed to build the bike. Once you have the instructions and the tools together, plus your developed technical skills, you will have built a solid foundation upon which you can build a successful career. You may achieve a high level of success one day, but you will not sustain that level of success without sound life skills just as you may be able to get the bicycle together without the appropriate directions or the appropriate tools. The likelihood, however, of it staying together and lasting for its normal life span is greatly diminished. So by developing and managing effective life skills on an on-going basis, there is no limit to what you can accomplish.
Why Study Life Skills? Practice leads to rewards. Positive interactions. Blending personal and professional life. Healthy self-esteem. Practice leads to rewards. Practicing good life skills will lead to a more rewarding and productive career in the beauty and wellness industry. Positive interactions. Estheticians work with many different types of people. Developing good life skills will help you to keep those interactions positive in all situations. Blending personal and professional life. Well-developed life skills will help you manage your personal and professional life in a meaningful and productive manner. Healthy self-esteem. Good life skills promote healthy self-esteem, which in turn helps you achieve your personal best.
Life Skills Being caring and helpful. Being adaptable. Staying the course with your goals. Seeing projects to completion. Developing meaningful relationships. Building a professional network. (continues)
Life Skills cont. Practicing financial responsibility. Using common sense and reasoning. Remaining calm in stressful situations. Taking responsibility seriously. Mastering organization skills. (continues)
Life Skills cont. Maintaining a sense of humor. Acquiring patience. Striving to do your best. Remaining true to self.
Who is more Successful? Why? Jenna owns Signature Salon and Day Spa. She has 7 employees that work for her and the business grosses $160,000 a year. She has an average of 800 return clients a month. Emily has been working as an esthetician for 2 years at Signature Salon and Day Spa. She makes $30,000 a year and has 10 to 15 return clients a week.
Guidelines for Success Build self-esteem. This is based on inner strength & begins with trusting your ability to reach your goal Visualize success. They more you visualize yourself as a success the better chance it will turn into a reality Build on your strengths. Practice what give you a positive attitude 1. Build self-esteem: Trust your own abilities. 2. Build on your strengths: Practice doing whatever makes you feel good about yourself. 3. Be kind to yourself: Stop self-critical or negative thoughts. (continues)
Guidelines for Success Learn from mistakes. Now is the time to ask questions and learn, not in the work place Define success for yourself. Practice presentation skills Create good communication skills with everyone Develop good networking skills. Keep personal life separate from work. This lowers morale and can cause the whole team to suffer Be energized. A healthy lifestyle is an asset in reaching your goals 4. Learn from mistakes. Practice until you are confident. When you make a mistake, be kind to yourself and stop self-critical or negative thoughts. 5. Define success for yourself. Do not depend upon other people’s definition. Do what is right for you. 6. Practice presentation skills. Develop success by practicing good communication skills and speaking with confidence. 7. Develop good networking skills. Connect with colleagues and business associates to further your career. Investigate social networks. 8. Keep personal life separate from work. Talking about yourself or others is usually counterproductive. 9. Be energized. Take care of personal needs, get plenty of sleep, eat properly, spend time with family, and enjoy balance in your life.
Guidelines for Success Respect others, it will build your self esteem Use good manners Avoid interrupting others Do not discuss your personal life Stay productive. Procrastination: putting off work Perfectionism: a compulsion to be perfect Lacking a game plan: a conscious act of planning 10. Respect others. Build relationships and exercise good manners. Practice being a good listener. 11. Stay productive. Avoid the bad habits of procrastination, perfectionism, and not having a game plan. a. Procrastination. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. b. Perfectionism. Expecting everything to be perfect is an unhealthy compulsion. c. Lacking a game plan. In order to achieve success, you must have a plan for your life.
Rules for Success Attend all classes. Arrive for class early. Have all materials ready. Listen attentively. Highlight important points. Take notes. Be attentive during summary. Ask for clarification. Success in school and work is more likely if you put in extra effort, enthusiasm, and excitement into your studies. Instructors can create motivational circumstances and an environment conducive to learning, but the ultimate responsibility is yours. These rules will help you get the most of your training.
Motivation (propels you to do something) Defined: An incentive, inducement, or motive to act. Internal motivation is most effective. Motivation propels you to do something. Self-management is the well-thought-out process for the long haul. The most effective motivation comes from within. You must have an inner desire to grow your skills and succeed.
Tapping into the Creative Mind Eliminate self-criticism. Look inward for motivation. Change your vocabulary. Don’t go it alone. To enhance your creativity, keep these guidelines in mind. Eliminate self-criticism: Criticism blocks the creative mind from exploring ideas and discovering solutions to challenges. Look inward for motivation Change your vocabulary: Build a positive vocabulary using active, problem-solving words like explore, analyze, determine, and so on. 4. Don’t go it alone: Work with others to share ideas and build a team environment.
The Self-Care Test
Study Skills Where When How Well-supplied, comfy, quiet spot; remain alert. When Estimate time needed and study when feeling motivated and energetic. How One chapter section at a time; make notes of key words and phrases; test yourself; audio recordings. ESTABLISHING GOOD STUDY HABITS Part of developing consistently good study habits is to know where, when, and how to study. Where -Establish a comfortable, quiet spot where you can study uninterrupted. -Have everything you need—books, pens, paper, proper lighting, and so on—before you begin studying. -Remain as alert as possible by sitting upright. Reclining will make you sleepy! When -Start out by estimating how much study time you need. -Study when you feel most energetic and motivated. -Make good use of your time by planning to study while you are waiting in the doctor’s office, taking a bus across town, and so on. How -Study a section of a chapter at a time, instead of the entire chapter at once. -Make a note of key words and phrases as you go along. -Test yourself on each section to ensure that you understand -Consider audio recordings when running, walking, driving. Remember that every effort you make to follow through on your education is an investment in your future. The progress you make with your learning will increase your confidence and self-esteem across the board. In fact, when you have mastered a range of information and techniques, your self-esteem will soar right along with your grades.
Managing Your Career Design a mission statement that establishes the values you live by and sets up future goals. You must be prepared for obstacles to career success. Create a Mission Statement: A mission statement establishes the values that you live by and sets up future goals. You must have a sense of purpose and a reason for being. ACTIVITY: Write a personal mission statement in one or two sentences that communicates who you are and what you want for your career. One example is, “I am dedicated to achieving a successful career with dignity, honesty, and integrity.” Keep a copy where you can see it daily.
Goal Setting Short-term goals: 1 year or less Long-term goals: Increments of 5 years or more Goal Setting: Goal setting is identifying short-term and long-term goals to help you decide what you want to achieve in your life. When you have goals, you can create an action plan for attaining them. You must have a plan and re-examine it often. Goal Management: Write goals down in short-term and long-term columns and divide each into workable segments. Have a plan and re-examine it often to stay on track.
Effective Goal Setting Are specific skills needed? Is the needed information readily available? Do I need a coach or mentor? What is the best approach for accomplishment? Am I open to new ideas for my plan? Ask the above questions.
Time Management Tips Prioritize. Do not take on too much. Learn problem-solving techniques. Take a time out. Plan downtime. Time Management Tips - Maximize your inner organizer. 1. Prioritize. List tasks in order of importance. 2. Do not take on too much. Learn to say no and mean it. 3. Learn problem-solving techniques. 4. Take a time out. Whenever you feel frustrated or overwhelmed, do not brood; take a time out. 5. Plan downtime. Make dates with family and friends. (continues)
Time Management Tips Reward yourself. Plan exercise. Develop a mission statement. Make time management a habit. 6. Reward yourself. Give yourself a special treat for work well done. 7. Plan exercise. It stimulates clear thinking and planning. 8. Develop a mission statement. This helps you stay on track. 9. Make time management a habit.
Time Management in Esthetics Organize daily. Review client records. Note special considerations. Plan for special needs clients. Review client home regimen. Allow time for sales calls. Always schedule lunch time. Time Management in Esthetics To achieve long-term financial success and client satisfaction, you must carefully plan each day. Preparation is key to success. 1. Organize daily. Begin organizing for tomorrow at the end of today. Clean and organize the treatment room and replenish supplies. 2. Review client records. Consider possible treatments prior to seeing client. 3. Note special considerations. Ask clients to arrive early and fill out client intake form that you can review while client is changing. 4. Plan for special needs clients. Allow additional time as needed. 5. Review client home regimen. Prepare to add one or alter the one client is following. 6. Allow time for sales calls. 7. Always schedule lunch time.
Real-Life Time Management Show up on time daily. Stay on time with treatments. Manage stress by integrating deep breathing into the day as often as possible.
Expected Behaviors Provide skilled services. Be honest, courteous, sincere. Avoid exploitation. Protect client confidentiality. Give clients accurate information. Maintaining Professional Standards Ethics are the principles of good character, proper conduct, and moral judgment expressed through personality, human relations skills, and professional image. NOTE: Refer students to the sidebar in the textbook that contains the NCEA Code of Ethics.
Maintain Credibility and Build Trust Obtain required credentials. Join professional organizations. Match behaviors with values. Respect colleagues and supervisors. Know your boundaries
Maintain Credibility and Build Trust Keep client relationships professionally friendly. Be honest and truthful. Conduct research. Seek advice from colleagues. Stay informed.
Personality Development and Attitude Diplomacy Tone of voice Emotional stability Receptivity Sensitivity Personality Development and Attitude. Attitude can be defined as your outlook. Develop a pleasing attitude by incorporating the following ingredients. 1. Diplomacy. Be tactful by being straightforward, not critical. 2. Tone of Voice. Soften your voice, speak clearly, deliver words pleasantly. 3. Emotional stability. Remaining in control is a sign of maturity. 4. Receptivity. Be interested and responsive to the opinions, feelings, and ideas of others. 5. Sensitivity. This is a combination of understanding, empathy, acceptance, and compassion. (continues)
Personality Development and Attitude Values and goals Communications skills Discretion and confidentiality Maintain boundaries 6. Values and goals. Values and goals are acquired and developed. 7. Communication skills. Develop an ease in talking about yourself and listening to others. 8. Discretion and confidentiality. Do not share your personal problems or gossip. 9. Maintain boundaries. Follow a one-minute rule on sharing personal information.
Work Ethic Ethics are the principles of good character, proper conduct, and moral judgment expressed through personality, human relations skills, and professional image. Work Ethic. Be mindful of how you approach each day, how you treat others, and how you support your employer’s needs. Give the best of yourself, accept constructive criticism, grow and learn from your mistakes, and adapt to changes in the workplace. Be trustworthy, reliable, hardworking, respectful, and supportive of others.
Teamwork Maintain a stress-free and productive environment Every staff member must be focused on working cooperatively. Pull your own weight Share responsibility.
How do you describe good study habits? List several principles used to create personal and professional success. How do you describe good study habits? How do you create a mission statement? (Give an example.) SUMMARY AND REVIEW One of your most valuable resources in life is time, and it is exactly the same for every human being. Your instructor, your supervisor when you get to that all important first job, your children, your significant other, your neighbors, the most successful people you know of in the industry and YOU all have the same 365 days per year, the same 24 hours per day, and the same 60 minutes per hour to manage your time and your life skills. According to Webster’s Dictionary, time is a continuum that is measured in terms of events that succeed one another from the past through the present to the future. Thus, the basic elements of time and life are events. So the key to managing our life skills and our time is event control. We have discussed a number of strategies, tips, and rules for better managing our time and our lives in today’s lesson. We’ve learned that we can change our lives by changing our attitudes and possibly even perceptions. We become what we think about ourselves. Practice will not necessarily make something perfect, but it will make it permanent. Only perfect practice will make it perfect. Therefore, we must practice what we do, whether it is a technical skill or an attitude or behavior, correctly. Let’s review: 1. List several principles that you can put into practice to create personal and professional success. Answer: Build self-esteem, visualize success, build on your strengths, learn from mistakes, define success for yourself, practice presentation skills, develop good networking skills, keep your personal life separate from your work, keep your energy up, respect others, and stay productive. 2. How do you describe good study habits? Knowing where, when, and how to study. 3. How do you create a mission statement? (Give an example.) Start by writing one or two sentences that communicate who you are and what you want for your life. For example: “I am dedicated to pursuing a successful career with dignity, honesty, and integrity.” (continues)
How do you go about setting long- and short-term goals? What are some of the most effective ways to manage time? What is the definition of ethics? What are the characteristics of a healthy, positive attitude? 4. How do you go about setting long-term and short-term goals? Answer: Decide on short-term goals you wish to accomplish in a year or less and long-term goals for larger sections of time such as 5 years, 10 years, or even longer. Once you have organized your thinking around your goals, write them down in “short-term” and “long-term” columns, and divide each set of goals into workable segments. 5. What are some of the most effective ways to manage time? Prioritize by making a list of tasks. When designing your own time management system, make sure it will work for you. Never take on more than you can handle. Learn problem-solving techniques that will save you time. Give yourself some down time. Carry a notepad or an organizer with you at all times. Make daily, weekly, and monthly schedules. Identify the times of day when you are highly energetic, and when you just want to relax, and plan your schedule accordingly. Reward yourself for work well done, do not neglect physical activity, schedule at least one additional block of free time each day, and understand the value of to-do lists. Make time management a habit. 6. What is the definition of “ethics”? Ethics are the moral principles by which we live and work 7. What are the characteristics of a healthy, positive attitude? Diplomacy, emotional stability, sensitivity to others, values and goals.. receptivity and good communication skills, and appropriate boundaries.