DIANNE-DOMINIQUE THEAKSTONE HOUSING INFORMATION GROUP, 16 JANUARY 2014 Investigating the feasibility of collecting a social housing stock register instead of multiple aggregate collections
Introduction My background Welsh Government internship project Preliminary survey results Next steps References Questions
My Background Housing Studies Academic Traineeship on GCIL Positive Action Scheme PhD
“To what extent do the governance structures in Scotland and Norway impede or facilitate independent living for disabled people?”
Welsh Government Internship Project “Investigating the feasibility of collecting a social housing stock register instead of multiple aggregate collections”
Project Aims To assess the feasibility of obtaining property level housing stock data from social landlord as a single- extraction of data from management systems; To examine social landlords’ current approach towards the storage, management and collation of data for monitoring purposes; To conduct a cost-comparison of single extraction versus collection of the current aggregates, and To produce a strategy for future social housing data collection in Wales.
Methodology Amalgamation of existing data collection forms; Background on Unique Property Reference Nos Online Snap Survey
Preliminary survey results 21 respondents out of 22 use an asset management system. Of those who use a system 5 use Keystone, 4 use Lifespan, 3 use Excel, 2 use PIMMS, 2 use Codeman, and five use other or in-house software. 16 respondents hold all information at the individual property level, and 6 home some individual property level information. 18 social landlords’ systems maintain records as a live register where individual property transaction dates can be taken.
Preliminary survey results cont. 17 respondents use social landlord property identifier; 3 use the official UPRN YesNo Overall compliance with WHQS 184 Do you record adapted properties? 157 Do you record properties as accessible? 913
Preliminary survey results cont. Respondents reported their data management system performance as: 3 very effective; 15 effective; and 3 not effective. Beside IT aspects, social landlords’ comments included: challenge to integrate separate IT systems within the organisation; ensuring people maintain records; resources required for staff training or new IT system.
Next Steps Last week chasing survey potential survey responses; Survey analysis; Produce Social Housing Data Collection Strategy for the Welsh Government; Final project internship report; Dissemination
Questions? Dianne Domminique Theakstone Mobile: Adam Al-Nuaimi Knowledge and Analytical Services, Strategic Planning, Finance and Performance, Welsh Government Telephone: (029) Mobile:
References Rodgers, S (2013) ‘The Housing Regeneration and Health Study’, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, Hilton Hotel, Cardiff One Scotland Gazetteer (n.d.) ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ accessed on: 6 th January 2013 The National Land & Property Gazetter (n.d.) ‘Welcome to Frequently Asked Questions’ accessed on: 6 th January 2013 Irish Council for Social Housing (n.d.) ‘Housing Association Performance Management’ accessed on: 6 th January 2013 Department of Social Development (n.d.) ‘Performance Indicators 2011 to 2012’ housing/registered_housing_associations/performance_indicators/pi htm, accessed on: 6 th January 2013 Ordinance Survey of Northern Ireland (n.d.) ‘Addres Data and Gazetteers’ maps.osni.gov.uk/CMSPages/moreinfo_address_data.aspx, accessed on: 6 th January 2013