Community COPE ® 2008 Introducing QI Tools and Approaches Facilitative Supervision for Quality Improvement Curriculum
2 EngenderHealth’s QI Package QI Approaches § Facilitative Supervision §Whole-site Training including Inreach QI Tools § COPE ® § Community COPE § QMT § Cost Analysis §Medical Monitoring
3 Goal of the Community COPE Intervention §To understand the community’s needs and its definition of quality services §To close the gap between the community’s definition of quality and actual performance of the site §To foster a partnership between the community and a site
4 Learning Community Members’ views: §Lets site staff learn why some community members do not seek services, do not gain access to services, or stop using services §Provides another way to learn clients’ views about the services §Helps the site provide more relevant, accessible services §Builds trust between clients and site staff
5 Learning Community Members’ views (2): §Makes site’s services more sustainable §Promotes empowerment, increased awareness, and behavior change in the community §Ensures ongoing, two-way communication between a site and the community §Makes staffs’ work more interesting and satisfying
6 Information Gathering Activities §Individual interviews With current users of services at the site With former users of the services at the site With those who have never used the services at the site §Group discussions §Site walk-through §Participatory Mapping
7 Community COPE ® Process (1) Orient site staff in Community COPE activities Staff meet w/ local leaders and representatives Identify groups for participatory activities Select and plan activities Individual interviews Group discussions Site walk-through Participatory mapping
8 Community COPE ® Process (2) Conduct Action Planning with Community(?) If YesIf No Develop Action Plan, Prioritize recommendations w/Community Develop Action Plan, Prioritize recommendations w/Staff Review site’s QI Committee membership Review site’s QI Committee membership Implement Action Plan
9 Ongoing Monitoring & Feedback §Follow-up Committees are established §Revise status of action plans and inform community members
10 Communicating Progress to the Community §Report at community meetings §Ask satisfied clients to talk about improvements in the services §Ask local leaders, NGOs, and health committees to help to communicate progress to the community
11 Communicating Progress to the Community (2) §Post information about the site’s QI activities and results in the waiting room or reception area §Ask community representatives on the QI Committee to report progress to community groups §Announce the site’s improvement in a site newsletter, local newspapers, on the radio & TV
12 Process - Lesson 1 §The community is not a uniform group but diverse groups with different needs Community discussions might reveal more information than client interviews in earlier COPE exercises
13 Process - Lesson 2 §The issue of how to communicate with the community is important, and some methodologies are more effective than others
14 Process - Lesson 3 §Community involvement is more than soliciting the community perspective of the services; learned importance of including community members in the action planning process
The QI Process Information Gathering and Analysis Action Plan Development and Prioritization Implementation Follow-up/ Evaluation