CDC S. Uno KEK 2009.3.19. Endplate Design sBelle 250mm 300mm 350mm.


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Presentation transcript:


Endplate Design sBelle 250mm 300mm 350mm

3 Wire stringing Strategy –Vertically string wire –Outer cylinder is assembled before wire stringing. –We can access wires from inside of chamber. – Nanae Taniguchi confirmed it with a hand-made mockup.  500mm 30° 12° 710 mm 323 mm 173 mm

Barrel PID

Present status of Super- belle CDC front-end prototype. KEK Electronics group Y. Igarashi , K. Tauchi , M. Saito, M. Ikeno , M. Tanaka , Y. Uchida and Takashi Taniguchi

CDC FE Prototype card Under 20cm ASB + Discriminator ASB + Discriminator ASB + Discriminator ASB + Discriminator FADC 16ch/board BJT -ASB/Discriminator FADC: over 20MHz / 10bit FPGA : Vertex-5 LXT –TDC: 1 nsec counting –FADC reading –Control FPGA: Spertan3A –SiTCP for CDC study Connectors –RJ-45 for SiTCP –RJ-45 for DAQ timing signals –RJ-45 for DAQ data line –SFP for DAQ data line –Optical TX/RX for GDL –LEMO input x 3, output x1 Shielded substrate FPGA (CONTROL, TDC) RJ45 SFP Optical Transceiver FADC FPGA (SiTCP) Optical Transceiver RJ45

Layout The printed circuit board is in process and will be available in next month. Preamplifier and discriminator(8ch/card) FADC TDC using FPGA

TDC in FPGA TDC in FPGA with time resolution of 1nS. –Make the TDC circuit to a library. ・ Input ECL/LVDS/PECL 16 ch CLK 、 START/STOP ・ Dynamic range 65us ・ 1ns/bit ・ FIFO 1023hit/ch FPGA

4ns Latch hit state and encode RMS=0.51ns Input : Hoshin 16bit TDC tester TDC in FPGA 250MHz 4 phase Clock for 1 nsec resolution.

AMP TEST with small tube chamber and 5.9 keV X-ray Nanae Taniguchi (KEK) Mar. 18

11 Amplifier T-ASB –Used in trek/double beta experiment After pulse Cross talk Hybrid ASB –Modify the T-ASB to be used super Belle-CDC

12 Setup Small tube chamber (tungsten wire) 5.9 keV X-ray Gas(Ar90%+CH 4 10%), P10 Gas Gas (Ar 90%+CH 4 10%) Fe keV X-ray Small tube chamber ASB Tungsten wire

13 Pulse shape Same HV (1.65kV) Signal from Hybrid ASB is attenuated (15dB), current Belle AMP (6dB) T-ASB Hybrid ASB Different shaping time Over shoot disappeared (smaller). Larger gain (~ x5) Current Belle

14 T-ASB Hybrid ASB Current Belle AMP Comparison of noise level

15 After pulse HV=1.7kV 200ns/div 400ns/div T-ASBHybrid ASB

16 Cross talk Ch 1Ch 16Ch 15 Ch 1 Ch 16 Ch 15 Cross talk is not so large.

Some discussion Material of end plate (CFRP) Gary’s proposal for readout electronics –We will discuss in next week. Diameter of wire Cluster counting method


CDC structure Shoji Uno (KEK) Dec-3 rd, 2008

Baseline Design Belle sBelle

Main parameters Present Future Radius of inner boundary (mm) Radius of outer boundary (mm) Radius of inner most sense wire (mm) Radius of outer most sense wire (mm) Number of layers 5058 Number of total sense wires Effective radius of dE/dx measurement (mm) Gas He-C 2 H 6 Diameter of sense wire (  m) 30

1200 mm 250 mm Present CDC New CDC Wire Configuration

Small Cell Drift Chamber

Photo of small cell chamber Installation in 2003 summerJust after wire stringing

Curved Endplate Deformation of endplate due to wire tension was calculated at design stage of present Belle CDC (Total tension: 3.5 Ton). Deformation(mm) Present New

Weight Endplate – Al, Thickness : 10mm (12mm) – 110kgx2 = 220kg (264kg) Outer Cylinder – CRRP, Thickness : 5mm – 210kg Electronics Board – G10, 48ch/board – 0.3kgx315 = 95kg

Present support

Calculation of deformation and etc Deformation of Aluminum endplate –Thickness of endplate 10mm  12mm Deformation  1/t 3 1  0.58 –Tension of field wire 120g  80g Gravitational sag, Sense : 120  m(80g), Field:300  m(80g) Total tension 4.8ton Stress calculation –Thickness of outer cylinder CFRP : mm –Transition structure between endplate and outer cylinder Support structure Structure for wiring jig –Simpler one as compared with Belle-CDC Etc.

Wire stringing Now, I am thinking a vertical stringing, not horizontal. – Once, I thought the horizontal stringing Vertical stringing with outer cylinder. –Human can stand inside the chamber and can touch the wire. Inner diameter without the small cell part : ~500mm Inner diameter of present transition cylinder : 580mm –Stringing with tension can be done from outer layer. Two-way method ( Belle-CDC ) is not necessary.

Installation Removing and installation can be done using similar small bar in horizontal direction. Cathode installation in vertical direction CDC installation in horizontal direction

My Personal Plan for Construction

FADC Ti ADS5287 ASB Discriminator SFP (Optical connector) RJ-45 LVDS 8 pairs CONTROL 3x4 Vertex-5 LXT (XC5VLX50T, IO:360pin) LVDS 2 pairs LVDS 4 pairs RJ TIMING LVDS 4x4 pairs LEMO RocketIO GFP 100base PHY Spertan3A SiTCP TDC (with FIFO) 3 FIFO 4 LED DIP-SW 8 16 TEST PIN 16 CONTROL CLK 125MHz Sampling CLK 20~40 MHz CLK 42.33MHz ASB Discriminator FADC Ti ADS5287 ASB Discriminator ASB Discriminator De-serializer 5 LVDS 8 pairs 5 48 DIP-SW TEST PIN 8 32 CLK 50MHz LVDS CLKs LVDS CLKs PUSH SW DAC (Vth) 8 RocketIO GFP Optical connector LVDS 2 pairs CLK For GFP RocketIO GFP RJ-45 LVDS 2 pairs LOGIC part diagram

Front- end(preamp) 7mm□ . 48pin. ASB. Gain SW. 1/t tail cancellatio n.

Front-end (for the system test) ASB –Amp. Shaper Buffer –4ch/chip –Peaking time ~ 40 nsec –Gain : -360mV/pC ~ -1400mV/pC (4 step variable) ASB protection Disc. Fe source D-out A-out

Hybrid preamp Common emitter amp. 3 stage amplification.