ZOOS-What Is a Mammal? Song Publisher: Twin Sisters
I’m talkin’ M! Talkin’ M–A! I’m talkin’ M–A–M–M–A–L–S! MAMMALS—what a special group of animals you should know. Mammals are warm-blooded. Mammals have backbones. Mammals feed milk to their young. Their young are born alive and most have hair, like the monkey and the polar bear. (Chorus)
Mammals live in forests and in arctic snow. Mammals live on farms and in zoos. Mammals live by water and in the ocean blue, like sea lions and blue whales, too. The word “mammal” refers to a mother’s mammary gland, which is used to feed her babies milk. Most mammals are warm-blooded animals that give birth to their babies live, although there are some mammals that do lay eggs. Mammals have backbones and most mammals have hair. Did you know that you are a mammal? (Chorus)
Some mammals are little. Some mammals are big. Mammals are many different sizes. Mammals are brown or black or white, like the sheep or the zebra with stripes. (Chorus)