ICD-10 TESTING Presenter: Leanne Layne
ICD-10 TESTING OVERVIEW - CMS has designated testing weeks for end- to-end testing - Providers can submit claims to Medicare and receive electronic acknowledgements - Reminder: providers can submit acceptance claims anytime
CMS ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA - Claim had a valid diagnosis for date of service - NPI valid for testing - ICD-10 companion qualifier
DECEMBER TESTING providers participated (13,700 claims) - Acceptance rates increased throughout the week - Friday’s acceptance average: 87% - Weekly acceptance average: 76%
FUTURE TESTING - March 2-6, 2015June 1-5, Cahaba has a form that must be completed by January 21 st - Selected testers will be notified by February 13 th - Previous testers will automatically be included in future testing
CMS: WHAT TO KNOW PRIOR TO TESTING - End-to-end testing processes the claim through Medicare systems and returns an ERA - If selected, you can submit 50 test claims - Provide the MAC with: up to 2 submitters IDs, up to 5 NPIs/PTANs, & up to 10 HICNs - HICNs must be real beneficiaries with no Date of Death on file - CMS expects to release results to the public around the end of February - Previous participants must submit and changes to NPIs, PTANs or HICNs prior to subsequent testing
CMS: WHAT TO KNOW DURING TESTING - PHI is protected during testing - Claim dates of service must be October 1 st, December 31 st, ICD-9 codes cannot be submitted with ICD-10 codes - RTP claims count toward the 50 total claims (rejected codes do NOT) - Suppliers: CMNs or DIFs need to be submitted if beneficiary’s has expired or doesn’t have one - Home Health: submit the RAP and final claim in the same file - Hospice: NOEs are not required prior to testing - IRFs & SNFs: only valid HIPPS code is required. (Do NOT submit supporting data sheets