Today’s Reptiles SECTION 34.2
Lizards Iguanas, chameleons, geckos, anoles, horned lizards Some are herbivores – most are carnivores Many can regenerate lost tails – but they do not re-grow the bones
Male Collared Lizard
Green Anole – common in Alabama
Snakes Lack moveable eyelids and external ears Skeleton: ◦No pectoral girdle (shoulders) ◦Jaws have 5 points of movement Feeding: ◦Constrictors – suffocate prey ◦Venomous: cobras, sea snakes, adders, pit vipers (rattlers, copperheads, cottonmouths)
Eastern King Snake – an Alabama constrictor
Eastern Rattlesnake
Copperhead snakes
Water moccasin aka cottonmouth
Turtles & Tortoises Turtles – water dwelling; flattened shells Tortoises – land dwelling; dome shaped shells Shell – fused plates of bone covered with scales or leathery skin ◦carapace – dorsal shell; fused to vertebrae ◦plastron – ventral shell No teeth – some are herbivores; many are carnivores (snapping turtle)
Alabama map turtle
Gopher tortoise – endangered species found in south Alabama
Crocodiles & Alligators All are carnivores Crocodiles – have longer, narrower snouts Alligators – have shorter, broader snouts Mothers protect both the nest with eggs and the young after hatching
Tuataras Only 2 species – both live in New Zealand Lizard-like Active at low temperatures