Virtual Jamestown Amy Wilson CI 540 Summer 2010
Every year when we study Jamestown, I am uncertain whether my students understand the difficulty the English settlers faced when they arrived on the shore of the United States to establish the settlement of Jamestown. Lesson
Pre-Assessment Before we begin, I will be assessing what the students already know about the Jamestown settlement. We will complete the Jamestown Multiple Choice before we begin any sort of reading.Jamestown Multiple Choice
Virtual/Interactive Field Trips Before we read about Jamestown from our textbook, we will complete Jamestown Online Adventure. Jamestown Online Adventure In 1606, some 105 adventurers set off from England to try and establish the first permanent English colony in the New World. They settled in what is now the state of Virginia and called their colony first James Fort, and then James Towne, in honor of James I, the King of England. The early years of the colony were nearly a total disaster. Almost half of the settlers died due to poor choices in settlement location, management of resources, and quarrels with the indigenous Powhatan Indians. You are the Captain of the Jamestown Colony: Can you do any better than the real colonists? You will have a copy of the London Company's Instructions to help guide you. Also, you can ask your fellow colonists and the Native Americans for advice. Be careful, though, because some advice is better than others!
Handout for Jamestown Adventure Link to Document
Videos Continued The Jamestown Colony Retrieved from YouTube Students will watch the short video to help students create further connections.
Readings Harcourt Social Studies: The United States (Grade 5 Textbook) – Chapter 5: Building the First Colonies Lesson 2: The Virginia Colony – Additional Resources from Harcourt Additional Resources from Harcourt Jamestown 1607 DOL Baseball Answer???
DOL Handout Link to Document
Baseball Question I don’t know what to do here! I am having difficulty developing questions.
After we have finished our readings, we will again complete Jamestown Multiple Choice.Jamestown Multiple Choice This could assess students’ growth of knowledge from the beginning of the topic till the end. Assessment
Allen, J. (2004). Tools for teaching content Literacy. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Combs, M. (2003). Readers and writers in the middle school. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Harcourt Social Studies: Grade 5 – Additional Resources Jamestown Online Adventure Kids.LibraryPoint Life in Colonial England Tovani, C. (2004). Do I really have to teach reading? Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Walker, N. & et al. (2010). When textbooks fall short. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Resources