Evaluating Logs and Antilogs Warm-up Solve: Learning Objective: to evaluate and solve equations with logs of bases other than those we’re used to
~ We have two kinds of logarithms: - "common" logs which are base 10 - "natural" logs which are base e Notes EX 1 – Evaluate (use calc!) ~ Sometimes our base will not be 10 or e as we have seen. We can use the "change of base" rule and use our calculators to evaluate. Change of base formula
Ex 2 - Evaluate the following... ~ Antilogs are used when we already know the log (or exponent) but don't know the original number. this is an inverse relationship and we must use the "2nd" key to do an antilog on the calculator Ex 3 - Solve each of the following:
Ex 4 - Solve the following:
HW – evaluating logs and antilogs wksht Summary – Wow, this is… Out – none Don’t forget about POW!!