WHII: SOL 4a-f Exploration of Africa
Portugal The Portuguese explored Africa searching for a sea route to Asia by heading East Dias rounded the southern tip of Africa They wanted a sea route to Asia that bypassed the Mediterranean They wanted to buy goods directly from Africa instead of through Arab middlemen
West Africa Started in West Africa with small forts to collect food and water, fix their ships Established trading posts exchanging muskets, tools and cloths for gold, ivory, hides, and slaves Took over East African trading centers like Mombasa and Malindi, forcing out Arab traders and extending their own empire
Portuguese Empire Portugal established trading posts along the coast of East and West Africa, but did not explore the interior of the continent Portuguese empire declines in the 1600s
African Slave Trade Slavery had existed since ancient time in most civilizations around the world (Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Indians, and Arabs) Slaves quickly became the most important item in profitable African trade Europeans brought slaves to the “New World” to work on plantations Established the Atlantic slave trade
African Leaders Resist Europeans rarely led raids to capture slaves African rulers and traders went into the interior to capture slaves and bring them to the coastal ports As the demand for slaves increased, African leaders tried to resist or stop the slave trade
Affonso I Affonso I-ruler of the Kongo tribe spoke out against the slave trade Tutored by Portuguese missionaries Appealed to European royalty to end the slave trade and develop modern, Christian nations in Africa He was unsuccessful and the slave trade continued
Asante Kingdom Osei Tutu- ruled the powerful Asante kingdom – Unified his people by claiming his right to rule came from heaven – Defeated the powerful neighboring nation of Denkyera – Bureaucracy was efficient due to officials being chosen by merit – Asante established a monopoly over gold mining and slave trade – Played European nations against one another for protection