Origins of the Cold War ( )
Occupation of Europe Germany was split into four parts 1 part (east): Controlled by the Soviets; Money went to the Soviet government 3 Other parts (west): Controlled by the Allies, Money was evenly distributed to help re-build country
US Occupation of Japan U.S. broke down the military made changes and turned Japan into a surviving Democracy, with economic prosperity, throughout 20 th century.
Marshall Plan Plan to help build up Europe after WWII US would give money to Europe to rebuild Named after Secretary of State; George C. Marshall
United Nations (1945) An international peacekeeping organization created after World War II. Designed after the League of Nations
Cold War Ideology United States 1.Capitalism- free market economic system, private ownership of goods and money 2.NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) an military alliance between the U.S., Canada, France, Belgium, and Britain and the nations of western Europe
Cold War Ideology Soviet Union (U.S.S.R) 1.Communism- totalitarian gov’t with complete government ownership of land, business and property 2.Warsaw Pact- a military alliance between the Soviet Union and the satellite nations of E. Europe
Truman Doctrine- called for the U.S. to become a world leader, also stated that the U.S. would support those threatened by communism Containment- American policy of resisting further expansion of Communism around the world
Massive Retaliation- a concept created by President Eisenhower, meaning the US would severely destroy any nation who attacked them Domino Theory – If one country fell to communism, then all countries around it will be communist
Early Events of the Cold War
The Berlin Airlift (1948) An operation supported by the British and the Americans. British and American military planes would send food and supplies to Berlin, Germany during a Soviet blockade.
Chinese Civil War ( ) The Communist leader is Mao Zedong. The Nationalist leader is Jiang Jiashi. The Nationalists lose and relocate to Taiwan. China is now communist causing fear in the US.
The Korean War (1951 – 1953) After the Japanese relinquish power over Korea after defeat in WWII, the Soviet Union and the USA divide Korea by the 38 th parallel.
The Korean War (1951 – 1953) North Korea (Communist) and South Korea (Capitalist). North Korea tries to reunite the country starting a war which ended in a stalemate after 3 years of fighting
The Berlin Wall (1961) Was built by the East German government to separate East Berlin from West Berlin. The goal was to cut off the flow of East Germans escaping into West Germany. Kennedy feared that the Soviet Union was attempting to take over Europe starting with Germany.
Cuba and Fidel Castro (1958) Fidel Castro overthrew Cuba’s US backed dictator Fulgenico Batista because he felt that wealthy Cubans and the US were exploiting the poor. Formed a Communist government backed by U.S.S.R.
The Bay of Pigs (1961) US planned to help former Cuban refugees overthrow Castro. US pulled out of invasion without warning Cuban refugees
The Bay of Pigs (1961) 1500 Refugees were slaughtered by Cuban army Kennedy accepted defeat and America was exposed for invading a country and trying to overthrow its government.