Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Harvest Baptist Church Vision Presentation July 26, 2009
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World The philosophy behind the vision Lift up Jesus! Love people! Lead the world!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World The philosophy behind the vision Membership or where you are as a member Lift up Jesus! Love people! Lead the world! True Disciple of Christ
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World What do we expect? Every member vs. Servant member
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World What do we expect? Every member: Give the church at least 4 hours per week! Servant member: Give the church at least 5 to 6 hours per week!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World What do we expect? Based on a 168 hour week: For “every member” 34% 24% 40% 2%
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World What do we expect? Based on a 168 hour week: For “servant member” 34% 24% 39% 3%
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World What do we expect? You might be saying: “We are setting the standards too low!” We believe that the church is as guilty as any other organization in playing a role in the division of the family! SIMPLIFY! If we could just get “every member” to give 4 hours per week, we would be busting at the seams!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World 3 Phase Philosophy Lift up Jesus! (Worship) Love people! (Small groups) Lead the world! (Service) Worship: AM worshipAM worship PM worshipPM worship Youth worshipYouth worship Children’s worshipChildren’s worship Music Ministry: Adult music ministryAdult music ministry Youth music ministryYouth music ministry Children’s music ministryChildren’s music ministry Pre-school music ministryPre-school music ministry Small group Bible study: Sunday SchoolSunday School Small group discipleship: Ladies Bible StudyLadies Bible Study Stubbert’s Bible studyStubbert’s Bible study Bible DrillBible Drill RA’s, GA’s, Mission FriendsRA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends Fellowship / Activities: Wed PM Fellowship supperWed PM Fellowship supper Sunday School fellowshipsSunday School fellowships Youth fellowshipsYouth fellowships Children’s fellowshipsChildren’s fellowships Church-wide fellowshipsChurch-wide fellowships Sports ActivitiesSports Activities Missions: Mission tripsMission trips Missions organizationsMissions organizations Outreach / Evangelism: GROWGROW Candy BrigadeCandy Brigade Ministry service opportunities: DeaconsDeacons UshersUshers GreetersGreeters TeacherTeacher CommitteesCommittees PuppetsPuppets NurseryNursery
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World 3 Phase Philosophy All ministry requests must fall into this 3 phase philosophy of the church or we don’t do it. Example: Cub Scout Troop!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We must build a new building!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Sunday School goal for the year: In 2008:180 With in a year:275
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We must upgrade our current educational facilities!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We must purchase some additional transportation!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We must revise our schedule!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Current Schedule: Sunday Sunday 9:30-10:30amSunday School 10:45-12:00pmWorship Service 3:30-5:30pmPuppets 4:15-5:30pmHBC Bells 4:30-5:45pmYouth Choir 6:00-7:00pmEvening Worship Service
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Current Schedule: Wednesday Wednesday 5:00-5:50pmWednesday Meal 6:00-6:45pmPrayer Meeting 6:15-7:00pmPre-School & Children Choir 6:15-7:00pmBible Drill 6:15-7:30pmYouth Worship Service 6:30-7:30pmLadies Bible Study 6:45-7:30pmJohn’s Bible Study 6:45-8:00pmAdult Choir Practice 7:00-7:45pmRA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Proposed Schedule: Sunday AM Sunday AM 9:30-10:30amSunday School 10:45-12:00pmWorship Service
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Proposed Schedule: Sunday PM 4:15-5:25pmHBC Bells 5:00-6:00pmYouth Ensemble\Puppets\special activities with youth and children\meetings 5:30-7:00pmAdult Choir Practice 6:00-7:00pmYouth Activities\Children Choirs\Other Children’s Class\Pre-School choir or class\ Adult discipleship classes
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Proposed Schedule: Wednesday 5:00-5:50pmFellowship Meal 5:45-7:00pmYouth Worship Service 6:00-7:00pmRA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, Bible Drill 6:00-7:00pmMid-Week Worship Service
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Protected times: 9:30 – 12:00Sunday AM 6:00 – 7:00Sunday PM
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Why are we doing this? To SIMPLIFY the way we do church! To provide our people with a mid- week opportunity to come together for a time of refreshing! GROW / Outreach
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We must have a church- wide mindset of outreach!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We must become a missions minded church!
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World Missions goal for the year: 2009 Next year Guatemala 6 10 new involved Michigan new involved Youth missions 25 35
Lift Up JesusLove PeopleLead The World How do we accomplish this vision? We can’t, but God can! Pray! Pray! Pray!