How to process a payroll in ISIS
Step 1: Choose Payroll, enter your username & password, and click Sign In.
Step 2: Click on the Process Menu and click Calculate Payroll.
Step 3: Click on the down arrow and choose the Pay Group to process.
Step 4: Choose the Pay Group Period for the payroll to be processed.
Step 5: Click on Processing Menu then click the option to Calculate (first time) or Recalculate (after any corrections).
This message box will only appear after you have saved an open payroll and have made corrections. Step 6: Click Yes to recalculate the payroll.
Step 7: If the payroll is correct, then click Save.
Step 8: Click Ok. If you have compliance errors, then you will see the error message here.
Step 9: Click Close.
Step 10: Click on the Reports menu and choose Proforma Report to see the calculated payroll.
Step 11: Choose the Pay Group, Pay Period, and any other options you would like to see on the Proforma Report, then click Print.
This is a screenshot of the report produced. It can be printed, exported, or viewed online for accuracy & approvals.
Step 12: Click Close.
Step 13: Click on the Process Menu and choose the Finalize Payroll.
Step 14: Click on Pay Group and Pay Period to Finalize. Also choose selections below that apply to the specific payroll, then click Process. In this example Board members do not accrue leave and receive a check.
If the leave and check options are not selected, then skip Steps 15 & 16 and continue to Step 17. Step 15: Click Yes.
Step 16: Click Yes.
Step 17: Click Ok.
Step 18: Click Close.
Step 19: Click on the Process Menu and choose the Print Checks/Direct Deposit.
Step 20: Click on Direct Deposit or Print Checks, then select the Pay Group, Pay Period, and Bank (if not defaulted) and click Process.
Step 21: Choose the printer that prints the payroll checks and click Print.
Step 22: Click Accept if all your checks printed correctly.
Step 23: Click Close. If Direct Deposit was selected as the option, then the system will create the NACHA file that is to be submitted to the bank.
Congratulations!!!! The payroll is complete. The system has now created a Positive Pay file in Fund Management that must be processed by the bank.