LORRAINE HANSBERRY Chicago native Affluent, intellectual family/upwardly mobile Fought for Civil Rights First Broadway play written by a female, African American Won New York Critics Award
A Raisin in the Sun A Play by Lorraine Hansberry Written in 1959 Essential vocabulary: defer, prejudice, stereotype, ghetto Poem by Langston Hughes—”Dreams Deferred” A play about the Younger family struggling to realize the American dream (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) by escaping ghetto life. Basic themes:Importance of family and family relationships Importance of dreams & goals Dangers of prejudice & stereotyping CONFLICT:Among family members about insurance money CLIMAX:Willy Harris steals money CONCLUSION:Walter’s epiphany
CHARACTERS/SETTING Lena Younger – matriarch Walter Younger – son, ambitious Ruth Younger – wife, young but worn Travis Younger – son Beneatha Younger – sister, educated, upwardly mobile Geo Murchison – Beneath’s wealthy African American boyfriend Joseph Asagai – ‘modern’ African boyfriend of Beneatha’s Karl Linder – Clybourne Park Wellcoming Committee Chair, white Willy Harris – thief Place – Southside Chicago ghetto Tine – late 1950’s
STRUCTURE DREAMS:Mama – retired; buy house Walter – buy liquor store to support; become a man & independent Ruth – move to a safe area; protect her family Beneatha – medical school CONFLICT:What to do with the $10,000 insurance check Lena—survival of family depends on moving Lena—survival of family depends on moving Walter –fells undermined; begins to drink Walter –fells undermined; begins to drink CLIMAX:Willy Harris steals money Reactions: Mama calmly unpacks Reactions: Mama calmly unpacks Bennie is furious & resentful Bennie is furious & resentful Walter is defeated; loses hope; failure Walter is defeated; loses hope; failure CONCLUSION:Walter’s epiphany-- shows independence & proud manhood