Community College 101 The Community College of Baltimore County
Why the Community College? The Perfect Place - to transition from high school to college with ease and confidence. Prepare - for the job market with a degree, certificate, or job training. Earn credits - to transfer toward a bachelor’s degree.
Six Benefits of Community Colleges
1.Higher Education Value for Lower Cost. $2, per year CCBC (Baltimore County resident). $7, average per year for a local public four-year college or university. (based on full-time enrollment)
2. Learn the Answer to the Question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Access up-to-date career research information in the Career Development Center. Learn from professors who are active experts in their fields. Enroll in courses that will help to define career decisions.
3. Discover the Right Fit. Serves a range of academic skills from Honors to developmental courses. Small class sizes for more individual attention. Learning communities, free tutoring and supplemental instruction to meet the interests and needs of all students.
4. Transfer with Ease. CCBC offers ease of transfer to four year colleges and universities. Articulation Agreements ARTSYS (
5. Career Training and Community Education (Continuing Education) Career training offers non-credit courses leading to certificates and job preparation. Courses are accessible, affordable, and short-term.
6. Flexible Schedules. Credit and non-credit courses during the day, evening, weekend, and online. Students have choices for full or part-time enrollment.
Pre-College Opportunities College Readiness Parallel Enrollment Program (PEP) Tech Prep Articulation
Ease of Access CCBC is an open admission college –Apply CCBC Instant Admissions in high schools –Assess Placement Testing –Advise Registration
CCBC Contacts CCBC Catonsville Diane Drake CCBC Dundalk Theresa Carr CCBC Essex Marcia Amaimo Continuing Education Dennis Cardiff Presented by: M. Amaimo 1/18/07