-Visual, from AQCP
Career Pathways at WCTC High School Options Dual Enrollment Academy Youth Apprenticeship Dual Credit Pathway Credentials: Credentials* leading to a Parent Credential at WCTC Parent Credential: The highest credential* within a Pathway at WCTC Transfer Opportunities (Articulations) Adult Options Basic Education HS Completion Bridges Credit for Prior Learning Cara will provide an overview of Career Pathways and review the language and definitions we will be using throughout the presentation. Employment *Credential: an attestation of competence awarded to a student who has attained measurable technical skills necessary to attain employment or advance in an occupation. (adapted from AQCP’s definition of credential)
Career Pathways at WCTC High School Options Dual Enrollment Academy Youth Apprenticeship Dual Credit Pathway Credentials: Credentials* leading to a Parent Credential at WCTC Parent Credential: The highest credential* within a Pathway at WCTC Transfer Opportunities (Articulations) Adult Options Basic Education HS Completion Bridges Credit for Prior Learning Transition Slide, this clearly shows the part of the pathway that we will be focusing on for this presentation. Employment *Credential: an attestation of competence awarded to a student who has attained measurable technical skills necessary to attain employment or advance in an occupation. (adapted from AQCP’s definition of credential)
Dual Enrollment Academy College Credit Technical Skills Employment
What is Dual Enrollment Academy? High School Seniors College Courses at WCTC High Demand Employment Strong Partnerships
The Dual Enrollment Academy Brand Immersive college experience 4 hours per day on college campus 5 days per week One school year 20-24 college credits earned
The Dual Enrollment Academy Program Entrance Requirements High School Senior Cumulative GPA at least 2.0 Compass Placement test or ACT Application with Personal Statement FERPA release
Dual Enrollment Academy Programs for 2015-2016 Baking and Pastry Production Printing and Publishing Tool and Die/CNC Welding/Metal Fabrication
SCHEDULE DAY COURSE NO. COURSE ROOM TIME MONDAY 420-320 Machine Tool Operation I G-205 8:00 – 10:20 804-304 Industrial Math B-073 10:30 – 11:50 TUESDAY 420-330 Industrial Blueprint Reading I I-137 8:00 – 9:50 420-326 Machine Tool Theory I 10:00 – 11:50 WEDNESDAY 420-317 CNC Turning Center Operation 8:00 – 10:50 11:00 – 11:50 THURSDAY 8:00 – 11:50 FRIDAY
Michael’s Career Pathway
The Dual Enrollment Academy Brand Strong Partnerships Employers Committed to continuing education K-12 school districts Recruitment and selection process Parents – students Committed to a rigorous senior year Technical college Provide relevant training for a jump start to a career and college education
The Dual Enrollment Academy Brand 2015-2016 Outcomes 95% Completion Rate 83% Placement Rate 64% Re-enrollment Rate Average GPA 2.74 Average hourly wage $12.39
The Dual Enrollment Academy Challenges Reliable Transportation Attendance Commitment to Program Rigor Jobbing Out Sustainability
Contact Information Sandra Maylen, Dual Enrollment Academy Coordinator smaylen@wctc.edu (262) 691-5591 www.wctc.edu/dual-enroll Cara Bowman, Career Pathways Coordinator cbowman@wctc.edu (262) 695-6526
Questions and Conversation