WEBINAR Introduction To Team Planning Templates Bring Your Laptops! Introduction To Team Planning Templates Bring Your Laptops! 13 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
What School Counselors WANT to do! Accountability Measure 1. Transcript audits of graduation readiness 2. College-prep course completion 3. Student access to AP/IB etc. courses 4. High school graduation rates 5. College application rates 6. College acceptance rates 7. FAFSA completion rates 8. Student attendance 9. Students passing AP/IB etc. classes 10. Dropout rates 11. College completion rates 12. Scholarship dollars attained 13. Student discipline rates 14. Graduate employment rates 15. AYP results 16. State test scores National Survey of School Counselors NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
CONVENING PLANNING TEMPLATES 3 rd White House REACH HIGHER Convening Strengthening School Counseling and College Advising 11:30 – 12:00 3:45 – 4:45 DAY 1 14 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Day 1 – Measurement Planning Strengthening School Counseling and College Advising _______________________ Team Time 1 Introductions (States and Districts) Team Time 2 State Team Planning District Team Planning Levers of Change School Counselor Professional Development School Counselor Leadership Training College and Career Readiness Policy Higher Ed – Pre-Service & In- Service Training K-12 and Higher Ed CCR Partnerships School Counselor and College Advising Research College and Career Readiness Credentialing Strategic Partnership Strategies 2 Sessions_ 15 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
AGENDA Day 1 Team Planning (11:30 – 12:00) 1.List team members and role titles. (TEMPLATE A) 2.Identify missing leadership roles. (TEMPLATE B) 3.Review the metrics states are measuring template. (TEMPLATE C) 4.List and share current postsecondary campaigns in state/districts. (TEMPLATE D) 5.Identify college and career readiness state metrics that are currently being measured. (TEMPLATE D) 6.Identify how each initiative supports the lever of change area. (Template D) 7.Based on current measures and initiatives begin to brainstorm a statewide measureable metric. 8.Begin to identify collaborative strategies that will guide your team to identify a state wide metric. 9.Identify opportunities to create strategic partnerships with donors/funders interested in supporting/promoting new innovative systemic change models that address implementation of policies and practices to increase college and career readiness measures for practicing school counselors, college advising and counselor education programs that can advance student achievement outcomes. Technical Assistance Requests 17 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Metrics States Are Tracking % of Students Participating In College Visits % of Schools Offering Dual Enrollment Courses % of Students Demonstrating AP Potential % of Students Earning College Credit In High School % of Students Participating In Employment, Internship and Job Shadowing 4 th Grade Reading and Math Scores 6 th Graders Meeting College Readiness Benchmarks 9 th Graders Passing Algebra ACT/SAT Completion Attendance Rates College Applications Completed College Enrollment Following High School College Persistence College Remediation Enrollment Rates Counselors Earning Advanced Degrees FAFSA Completion Rates High School Graduation Rates On -Track To Graduation Indicators (Middle and High School) Postsecondary Completion Rates (2 year, 4 Year, Industry Certificate) Rigorous Course Enrollment (Honors, AP, IB, Cambridge) Template C 16 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
State Team - Reflection Template Day 1 What Did You Hear Today That Can Advance Your Commitment To Identify A Metric To Measure? List - Measurement Action Steps 18 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
First, Last NameRoleFirst, Last NameRole Team Members Identify your team lead and your state. Then, list your team members and their role. Template A 19 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Planning Template Identify Key Missing Role Key Leadership Roles: Person responsible for credentialing in the state. Person responsible for school counselors in the state. Person responsible for CTE in the state. Large Urban Districts NameRole Template B 20 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Planning Template: Review of Current Postsecondary Activi ty NamePostsecondary Campaign MetricLever Of Change Template D 21 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Measurement Planning Reflection Question Results What is the current degree completion rate? (Folder) How many more degrees are needed to meet goals? Review – Lever of Change Chart Determine which lever of change area you wish to measure? Review Measurements states are tracking (Template E) Brainstorm State Metric To Measure TEMPLATE F 22 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Measurement Planning Questions 1.Which of your initiatives listed on TEMPLATE D has strong key leadership (e.g., superintendent, president, etc.) support? 2.Which initiatives are tied to a national data set, state data set, local data set? 3.How does each initiative improve the College Career Ready culture for underserved student populations? (List Reasons) 4.Identify top 3 metrics to measure. Review College Enrollment Trends: 2009 & 2010 How many more college degrees are needed to attain 60% ? Template E 23 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Team Planning – Implementation Strategy StrategyRationaleAction Steps/Contact Template G 24 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
CONVENING PLANNING TEMPLATES 3 rd White House REACH HIGHER Convening Strengthening School Counseling and College Advising 11:00 – 12:00 - Role Group Dialogue 2:15 – 3:30 – Roundtables/Hot Topics 3:45 – 4:45 – TEAM Planning Time (District & State Teams) DAY 2 25 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Day Two - Role Group Dialogue 1.Introductions 2.Share CCR Campaigns You Are Leading 3.Share Metrics You Are Considering 4.Discuss: Barriers/Challenges TEMPLATE 2A 26 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Day 2 Roundtables/Hot Topics 5 Areas: 1.Credentialing/Standards 2.School Counselor: College and Career Readiness Role 3.School Counselor: College and Career Readiness Training 4.Pre/Service – In/Service College Advising Training 5.Research 6.Propose Additional Topics Propose A Topic TEMPLATE 2B 27 Share What’s On Your Mind NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Day 2 - Team Planning Time (3:45 – 4:45) 1.Reflection: What thoughts did you capture from the sessions? 2.Can you Identify a state metric you will commit to measure? 3.Brainstorm and develop measureable metric Action Plan. 4.Determine the reporting/tracking framework. 28 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Strategic Partnership Strategies Consider donors or funders that may Focus: How partnerships can advance/support student achievement outcomes through supporting/promoting systemic change models that address implementation of policies and practices to increase college and career readiness measures for practicing school counselors and school counselor programs. Target AreaDonor / Funder Opportunities How might this relationship increase CCR and advance student achievement outcomes Strengthening School Counselors Policies Strengthening School Counseling Programs Template 2D 29 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
CONVENING PLANNING TEMPLATES 3 rd White House REACH HIGHER Convening Strengthening School Counseling and College Advising 10:45 – 11:30 – Team Time DAY 3 30 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Day 3 – Moving Forward Planning Team Time (States and Districts) Moving Forward (Measurement Commitments) 10:45 – 11:30 Levers of Change School Counselor Professional Development School Counselor Leadership Training College and Career Readiness Policy Higher Ed – Pre-Service & In- Service Training K-12 and Higher Ed CCR Partnerships School Counselor and College Advising Research College and Career Readiness Credentialing Strategic Partnership Strategies 31 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN Session
Day 3 – Team Planning 10:45 – 11:30 1. Confirm and record your state metric commitment. This will be the metric your state will measure. 2. What are your strategies to reach the underserved student outcomes? 3. Who will lead the monitoring of progress? 4. Who will report measurement progress? 32 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Identify A Metric To Measur e Review Template A and determine a college and career metric to during the convening that supports the REACH HIGHER Initiative. Metric (Identify Your State Measurement Focus) TEMPLATE 3A 33 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
Reflection Template When I Leave Here…. Actions I Will Measure To Strengthen School Counseling And College Advising TEMPLATE 3B 34 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN
State Team Commitment Updates Check OneCOMMITMENT AREA School Counselor Credentialing School Counselor State Standards Pre-Service/In-Service Training K-12 and Higher Education Collaboration School Counselor Practice School Counseling and College Advising Policy School Counseling and College Advising Research We want to capture your progress! Please send documents to 35 NCSCPS – Martin & BROWN Please Share! Please Share!
Contact Information Joyce V. Brown Carolyn Stone Stephanie Sprow Stephanie.