Camp Locations
In February 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executice Order 9066 and gave the U.S. Army the authority to move and imprison anyone they considered dangerous to our national security Within a month, they rounded up Japanese, Germans, and Italians, and brought to 10 Camps across the country Within a month, they rounded up Japanese, Germans, and Italians, and brought to 10 Camps across the country
WRA Camp Locations Newell (Tule Lake, California) -18,789 Minidoka (Hunt, Idaho) - 9,397 Hear Mountain (Heart Mountain, Wyoming) - 10,767 Topaz (Topaz, Utah) - 8,130 Manzanar (Manzanar, California) - 10,046 Amache (Granada, Colorado) - 7,318 Colorado River (Poston, Arizona) - 17,814 Gila (Gila Rivers, Arizona) - 13,348 Rohwer (Rohwer, Arkansas) - 8,475 Jerome (Denson, Arkansas) - 8,497
Camp Locations Jerome (Denson, Arkansas)
Minidoka The Minidoka site was originally a 33,000-acre prison compound operated by the War Relocation Authority at the Jerome County farming community of Hunt It operated from 1942 through 1945 and held U.S. citizens of Japanese descent The Bainbridge site is where 227 men, women and children were rounded up and placed aboard a ferry in March 1942 to be sent to Minidoka