OPENING ASSIGNMENT Using a textbook or internet enabled device lookup the term “The Monroe Doctrine” read about the idea and then write an explanation of who created it and what it meant.
The Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. military intervention. The Doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries.
Imperialism changed US foreign policy. With whom was the US now competing ?
What are we learning today? Essential Learning Goal America became an Imperial power during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries by extending military control over areas outside of the U.S. and expanding markets for American made goods thanks to a belief in cultural superiority and global competition. Learning Targets The student will understand the cause of the Spanish- American war from two perspectives; the average American citizen and wealthy business owners. The student will recognize the shift in American foreign policy and how this shift places the US in competition with European nations.
EOC Test Questions Which of the following was the MOST important reason the U.S. pursued imperialism? A) to help other countries politically and economically. B) to spread capitalism. C) to acquire new markets and sources of raw materials. D) to spread democratic ideals.
The Cubans Revolt Jose Marti leads a Cuban guerilla warfare style revolt against Spanish rule in Marti purposely attacks US businesses and property, hoping that the US will enter the war to defend their interests. In 1896 Spain begins placing Cuba’s rural civilians into concentration camps to limit their ability to help the rebels.
Causes of the Spanish-American War As US citizens began to sympathize with the Cuban rebels. This was partially because American newspapers like the New York Journal and the New York World printed exaggerated accounts of atrocities by the Spanish Army. This sensational style of writing became known as YELLOW JOURNALISM. (William Randolph Hearst)
Causes of the Spanish-American War In 1898 President McKinley ordered the USS Maine to Cuba to bring home American citizens in danger from the fighting and to protect American property. On Feb. 15, 1898 the Maine exploded. No one really knew why the ship exploded but the newspapers were quick to blame the Spanish.
The US goes to war. On April 9, 1898 the Spanish agreed to US demands that included a 6 month cease-fire. Despite the Spanish concessions Americans still favored war. On April 11, 1898 President McKinley asked Congress for permission to use force against Spain. After one week of debate the Congress agreed and on April 20,1898 the US declared war on Spain.
Which one factor caused most U.S. citizens to support the Spanish- American War? A) the Monroe Doctrine. B) Spain’s violations of the Treaty of Paris. C) Support for Cuba’s freedom from Spain. D) Cuba’s close location to the U.S.
The Spanish-American War THE PHILLIPINES April 30, 1898 the US navy destroys the Spanish fleet at Manila, Philippines. The Philippines were a colony of Spain. US forces landed on the islands and with the support of the Filipino Rebels who also wanted freedom from Spain the US defeated the Spanish.
The Spanish-American War THE CARIBBEAN June 22 – August 12, 1898 The US blockaded Cuba with its’ Navy. The US Army at the time was a small professional force and the US Army had to add volunteer units to fill the ranks. One such volunteer unit was commanded by Theodore Roosevelt who had resigned as Secretary of the Navy to fight in the war. Roosevelt led the Rough Riders, a volunteer cavalry unit.
US wins the war. As the US Army won the battle on the ground in Cuba the US Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet along the Cuban Coast. The US then invaded Puerto Rico another island colony of Spain just to the east of Cuba. On August 12, 1898 the US and Spain signed a cease-fire, stopping all fighting.
The Treaty of Paris On December 10, 1898 the US and Spain met in Paris to sign a peace treaty. The Spanish gave freedom to Cuba. Spain gave the US the pacific island of Guam and the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Spain also sold the Philippines to the US for $20 million.
After Cuba gained independence, why did U.S. troops occupy the island? A) protect it from recapture by the Spanish. B) be within striking distance of Puerto Rico. C) train the people in democracy. D) protect U.S. business interests.
Not all Americans Supported Imperialism
HOMEWORK CHAPTER 10 SECTION 3 PAGES 352 – 358 MAIN IDEAS A – C Define Terms & Names into notebook. SKILLBUILDERS #1 – 3 PAGE 354 #1 – 2 PAGE 356
Responses to Imperialism “Shall we go on conferring our Civilization upon the peoples that sit in darkness, or shall we give those poor things a rest?... Extending the Blessings of Civilization to our Brothers who Sit in Darkness has been a good trade and has paid well, on the whole; and there is money in it yet… but not enough in my judgment, to make any considerable risk advisable.”-Mark Twain Write a one paragraph response to the quote above. Explain how you interpret the quote and what meaning you took from it. Address the words that I have italicized and their specific meaning. Example, civilization means the way Americans live. How do you think Mark Twain would have guided US foreign policy? Would he have participated in Imperialism?