Chairs update Cary Bloyd EGNRET-27 Zhuhai, China 9-11 October 2006
2 EWG 32 meeting were held October 2-6, 2006 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia October 3 –8 th Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers – 1st Steering Committee Meeting –15 th Meeting of the EWG Business Network (EBN) –EBN Business Forum –17 th Meeting of EWG Expert Group Chairs & APERC October 4-5 –EWG 32 October 5 –APERC Conference
3 8 th Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers – 1st Steering Committee Meeting Darwin, Australia May 2007 Theme: A World of Higher Oil Prices: Energy Security through Diversity – Builds on the Energy Security Initiative –“Energy Fact Sheets” being produced by EWG
4 15 th Meeting of the EWG Business Network (EBN) David Natusch (New Zealand) is new EGN Chair Discussed new directions for the EBN Develop stronger linkages with the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Discussion topic developed at EBN business forum for next EWG 33 Policy Dialogue –Improving cooperation between National (state owned) and International (Private sector) Energy Companies
5 17 th Meeting of EWG Expert Group Chairs & APERC Chairs supplemented their written report Discussed the working with GEMEED to identify renewable energy linkages with mining Report on the status of the Biofuels Task Force The APEC Secretariat (Tong Xianguo) reported on the SOM meetings EWG Secretariat asked the Chairs to identify key issues for discussion at EMM8
6 EWG 32 Reviewed progress of Energy Security Initiative and all projects EGNRET Chair’s report was summarized APEC Secretariat presented a more detailed discussion of the SOM meeting and the SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) EWG 33, New Zealand, March 2007 EWG 34, Hong Kong, 3-7 September 2007
7 The SCE endorsed an updated list of ECOTECH priorities 1.Development of human capital 2.Developing stable and efficient markets through structural reform 3.Strengthening economic infrastructure 4.Facilitating technology flows and harnessing technologies for the future 5.Safeguarding the quality of life through environmentally sound growth 6.Developing and strengthening the dynamism of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 7.Integration into the Global Economy 8.Human Security and Counter-terrorism Capacity Building 9.Promoting the Development of Knowledge-Based Economics 10.Addressing Social Dimension of Globalization
8 APERC Workshop Reviewed Studies for 2006/2007 –Understanding International Energy Initiatives –Urban Transport Energy Use in the APEC Region –A Quest for Energy Security in the 21 st Century- Resources and Constraints Reviewed APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 2006
9 EWG Energy Security Initiative Fact Sheets (14) Joint Oil Data Initiative Sea-lane Security Real Time Emergency Information Sharing Initiative Energy Emergency Responses, including oil stocks Energy Efficiency Natural Gas Trade Nuclear Power Clean Fossil Energy Petroleum Infrastructure and Crude and Refined Products Energy Investment Alternative Transport Fuels Methane Hydrates Renewable Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells