Consultative Group of Experts OTHER INFORMATION CONSIDERED RELEVANT TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVE OF THE CONVENTION Mahendra Kumar Fiji Workshop on the Use of the Guidelines for the Preparation of National Communications from non-Annex I Parties Port Louis, Mauritius 8-11 April 2003
Consultative Group of Experts A. TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGIES Agenda 21 UNFCCC Article 4.1, 4.3, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8 Article 9.2(c) Article Article 12.3, 12.4 COP –11/CP.1,13/CP., 7/CP.2, 9/CP.3,2/CP.4, 4/CP.4, 9/CP.5, 4/CP.7
Consultative Group of Experts DECISION 10/CP.2: GUIDELINES Para. 19 …may describe the financial and technological needs and constraints… Paras General reference to technological needs Vague and too general
Consultative Group of Experts DECISION 4/CP.7 Framework for meaningful and effective actions to enhance implementation of 4.5 Technology needs and needs assessments Technology Information Enabling environments Capacity building Mechanisms for technology transfer Expert group of technology transfer GEF to support implementation of framework Developed countries to provide technical and financial support
Consultative Group of Experts DECISION 17/CP.8 Transfer of Technologies “…provide information on activities relating to the transfer of, and access to environmentally sound technologies and know-how, …development and enhancement of endogenous capacities, …enhancing enabling environment for development and transfer of technologies”.
Consultative Group of Experts ANNEX I GUIDELINES Report on promotion. Facilitation and financing of or access to ESTs (distinguish public and private sector activities) Complete table of selected projects and programmes to promote ESTs Steps taken to promote, facilitate and finance ESTs, & development of endogenous technologies