Career Development 2204 Presented To: Mrs. Billard-Martin By: Chris Coady & Zach Wall
We interviewed Mrs. Teena Wall who has a career in teaching. Mrs. Wall has been as elementary school teacher for over 15 years. She is currently employed at Cape St. Francis Elementary where she teaches grade 4. We asked her 20 questions on various aspects of her career, as she gave us some insight on what it is like to be a teacher.
“I always wanted to be a teacher. Even when I was little I wanted to. From a young age I just felt a connection to it. I remember even playing school, I would put check marks in my books pretending I was correcting. From a young age i just knew i wanted to be a teacher.”
“ My degree was a 5 year degree however I did it in 7 as I didn't take full coarse loads during school. I received my Bachelors of Education in Elementary Methods in 1996.I also took a 6 week program in University Sainte-Anne in Nova Scotia.”
“ Well like I said I have just always wanted to become a teacher, even at a young age. I always have wanted to be a teacher. Some pros to my job include the obvious one, summer holidays, I love o work with children, also I like the community involvement. Some cons would be that as a teacher, I have to take a lot of work home as well a lot of my job takes place on my personal time. There is a lot of extra work when working with children, there’s academic issues, there's behaviour issues, also sometimes as a teacher kids come to you with personal problems. Also there are no opprotunities for overtime.”
“ None! I always had a passion for teaching and working with children. I however did like the idea of nursing. I liked the idea of helping others. But I don’t have the stomach for nursing. So teaching is where i found my calling.”
“ I work with young children daily. I teach them the basics to become providing citizens of society ultimately. As far as this makes me feel I love it! I myself contribute to there lives. I feel a certain success when my students succeed as there accomplishments are mine as well. My job brings me great pleasure and i get great pleasure out of my job!”
“ Well ultimately working with children. I love to develop relationships with my students as for that year you feel as if you are a guardian for them. I love the community involvement i get from my job. I like working with a team of staff members. My actual favourite thing to do on the job is teach the curriculum to my students.”
“ I didn’t have any paying jobs that really assisted me. A lot of the work that helped was volunteer work. I was a leader for a teen aged youth group ages in my church. I was and currently am a teacher of Sunday school at my church. Also I have been baby sitting since I was 12 years old. Its helped because well I just love working with children and these were opportunities to do just that.”
“ No my parents career didn’t affect mine. My father was a fire fighter and my mother was a stay at home mom. However they did support my choice. I do know of teachers who’s parents were teachers, but this isn’t true in my case.”
“ There are many situations included with teaching. I face academic challenges with the students where if one student doesn’t understand I have to be creative in helping that student. I have to deal with behaviour issues. I have to contact parents for various reasons. Also sometimes a child will come to you with a personal problem that you have to provide guidance with.”
“ Well I deal with children, colleagues, specialists teachers like gym teachers, parents, community members, volunteers. I meet and interact with a wide basis of people for various reasons. For example staff meetings where me and my colleagues discuss various things regarding our school.”
“ Well my career has had a very positive impact on my life. I feel success when my students achieve which has positive impact. My family supports me in my job but sometimes my job takes away from family time as I take a lot o work home. When you work with children things become personal as you want to see them suceed so when they don’t it affects you as you want to help. Even when helping students with personal problems it can affect you as you simply want to help in every way you can. Also I hold the same beliefs in my classroom and at home. I expect a lot from my students as I want them to work hard and I want them to be good students, just like I expect it from my own children.”
“ I convicted in the May of 1996.I started substituting almost right away. However it took me a long time to get a permanent job. In Newfoundland and Labrador, it is extremely hard to obtain a permanent position. I did some replacement work aswell. I have only had my full time position for about 5 years (since 2010).”
“ In my job i have to teach, plan my lessons, do preparation for each lesson which may include creating things, I have to attend meetings, I have to create assessments both formal and informal, and i have to be in contact with parents. Skills that help are organization, social skills like i have to be understanding of students, I need leadership skills, I need speaking skills, and i need teaching skills as understanding something and having to teach it are completely different.”
“ I start at 8:30. Class starts at 8:50. In between I have to do morning routines like morning announcements. Then i teach and from 10:20- 10:40 is recess. 10:40-12:10 is instructional time. 12:10- 1:00is lunch time. 1:00-3:00 is more teaching then students are dismissed. However my day does not end as I may have meetings or have to do class prep for the following day. I also have duty for 3 lunchtimes and 1 recess in every 7 day cycle. I teach language arts, math, science, two french classes, religion, health, and art.”
“ There are benefits available like health and dental which you have to pay for. You don’t have to as you can wish to opt out. We don’t get vacation days as our holidays are pre-determined. If we wish to take days off we need to request it and it is unpaid leave.”
“ I believe in Newfoundland teachers are paid less then anywhere else in Canada. We don’t get paid for half the time we put in. We could be paid more. A range of salaries are thousand. However the higher the degree you have the more you can get paid. There are alot of factors that contribute to your salary.”
“ I would recommend teaching to anyone who would like to work with children. Also only if you are willing to move away for work as it is difficult to obtain a job especially in the city. Teaching is also a lot of work. If someone thinks they would like teaching, volunteer in a class room.”
“ Advice I would give is get involved, get into schools. Introduce yourself to as many administrators as possible. Volunteer, this will help you in so many ways. Always be organized. Alwyas be prepared.”
“ Well school exposed me to teaching. Seeing my own teachers teach. It always appealed to me, my childhood aspirations were to become a teacher. When I became a teenager and had to make my choice, my choice had already been made.”