Summer exams commences on Tuesday 3 rd May 2016 Bulk of the exams take place from Monday 6 th June Exams end on Tuesday 28 th June 2016 All exams will take place in the UTC Timetable will be made available on the UTC website once it has been confirmed
“It’s no good going into a high pressured environment not knowing what to expect.” We need to mimic the exam environment so that we know what to expect next summer. “10,000 hours of practice makes a champion!” The more you practice, the better you get.
In order to improve, we need feedback on our strengths and areas we need to develop. Every lesson, you receive feedback on how well you are progressing; Your mock exam results will give you and your teachers feedback on: what you understand; what needs to be developed; any interventions that are needed.
Mock exams commence on Monday 30 th November Students sit exams over five days: Get a feel for exam procedures Not all summer 2016 exams will be sat Not all exams will be full length Exam access arrangements will be in place during the mocks. In between exams, lessons will be used for students to read or revise in their normal classrooms.
Mock exams are marked by staff and standardised Exam results are shared with students on 16 th December: Given out in the same format as they will be on the exam results day in August 2016 Term 2 data is collected and analysed Term 2 reports are sent out to parents
Exam papers are analysed S taff discuss strengths and areas for development with students Interventions are put into place: In Class At lunchtime Work to be completed outside UTC time Student full reports are written and distributed in January Parents evening is held in February to discuss progress and preparation for summer exams
Preparation for Summer 2016
GCSE Revision Guides Exercise books from Y10 and Y11 Revision websites Lincoln UTC revision spreadsheet
Routine: to be well fed, to be rested and active Relaxed Energised There needs to be a clear link to what the BIG IDEA is… Motivated Supported By parents, siblings, teachers, peers, friends
Life is hectic, we know this: Give yourself structure Reorder your priorities Revision / self-tuition / preparation / groundwork must begin now! Include the following……
Eat regularly Less sugary foods Healthy snacks Ensure that when you rest you ‘rest’ Take a break at regular intervals (10 in every 40/50 minutes)
Take exercise Get fresh air Enjoy the break Top tip: Exercise with someone on your course or who shares a similar interest
Support your children as ‘students’: Ensure that their environment is a stress free and controlled No surprises They are literally working for their lives Be consistent and calm… even in the face of adversity Interact on their terms Top tip: Allow your bundles of motivation to teach you!
Life is hectic… we know! Get organised Don’t put it off, do it now!
Careers UTC
What has your son/daughter been learning about in ‘Life Guidance’ lessons this year?
Continue your education at a school, academy, college or UTC; Secure an Apprenticeship with a local employer; Secure employment with a company and they will provide you with training.
You will need to continue in education until at least your 18th birthday; This does not have to mean staying in school; You can opt to study or train in any of the following ways: by studying full-time in a school, college or with a training provider (many young people also take a part time job alongside); by working or volunteering full-time, combined with part-time education or training; by taking up an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Get prospectuses from your tutor, careers teacher, or direct from the college or school Find out about and attend College Open Days / Evenings and discuss courses with college staff. Ask questions! Complete College application forms. Attend interview – prepare in advance! Then…secure the GCSE grades needed!
Find out about the apprenticeships available locally and think about the occupational area(s) you’re interested in Research opportunities – think about what you’d like to know and find out by asking questions of real apprentices! Complete apprenticeship application forms and prepare for interview (Apprenticeships tend to start advertising in January)
Find out about LOCAL JOB VACANCIES (Echo, Job Centres, Agencies) What training is offered? Update your CV, practice completing application forms and mock interviews in preparation for interview offers. Apply for jobs that start from July 2015
After my GCSEs, which qualifications can I study next? After I am 18, which qualifications can I study throughout my life?
Ladder of Qualification Levels Level 8 – Doctorate Level 7 – Masters, NVQ Level 5, PGCE Level 6 – Degree Level 5 – HND, Dip HE, Foundation Degree, NVQ Level 4 - HNC, Cert HE, Higher Apprenticeship, NVQ Level 3 - A 'Levels / Cambridge Technical / BTEC Level 3 / Advanced Apprenticeship Level 2 - GCSE Grades A*- C Level 1 - GCSE Grades D – G
Post 16 Lincoln UTC
Sources of Information Year 12 and 13 students University website and prospectus Learning Resource Centre Teachers Careers Advisers UTC website Year 12 Options Booklet
Potential New Computer Science Course for 2016 A Level Computer Science Level 3 Technical Level qualification: Entertainment Technology: Video Games Art & Design 2 A Level equivalent We are in discussion with the University of Lincoln to create a pathway to their: Games Computing Bachelor of Science Honours Degree (BSc) (3 years) OR Masters in Computing (MComp) (4 years)