Final Presentation Senior Design II November 19, 2013 MyBand Fitness [1]
Megan Ware Electrical Engineering Sensors Schematic and Board Design Packaging Design Jordan Fairley Computer Engineering Team Leader Website PIC programming Testing Packaging Design Matthew Eagles Computer Engineering Website GUI programming Schematic and Board Design
Advisor Dr. Tommy Morris Assistant Professor
Introduction Problem Solution Constraints Technical Practical Block Diagram Software Updates Hardware Details Testing of PCB Packaging Field Testing Final Product
On the market today, monitoring armbands cost anywhere from $100 - $200. Other armbands do not monitor ambient temperature. Other products have complex computer application. Some products have chest straps.
[2] [3] Mio 0034US – BLK, Energy Pro Plus Chest strap with heart rate zone indicators. $99.95 Polar RCS5 Red Watch Chest strap with calorie counter and is water resistant. $179
Develop the product to cost around $110. Monitor ambient temperature. Design computer application to be easy to operate for any age user. Monitor heart rate with finger strap.
Technical Practical
NameDescription Battery LifeThe MyBand Fitness device will run for a minimum of four hours. Capturing DataThe device will capture data at a maximum sample rate of 200 Hz and store the data on separate flash memory of 4 GB. DisplayThe wrist device will display sensor values, warning messages. MeasurementThe product will measure heart rate and ambient temperature accurately. Physical ParametersThe MyBand Fitness device will fit comfortably around one’s wrist/forearm.
TypeNameDescription EconomicCostThe product will cost around $110. ManufacturabilitySizeThe device will be small enough to wear on user’s wrist.
To be competitive on the market, must cost around $110.
The wrist device will have to be small and weigh less an 1 pound to fit comfortably on the wrist. Wrist device will have a detachable band.
Power SupplyMicroprocessor Pulse Sensor Temperature Sensor Flash Memory Interface
2) Connect flash drive to computer. 3) View results from exercises. 1) Device captures data while exercising.
Body Temperature to Ambient Temperature Sampling Rate Added Filter for Pulse Sensor Updated the GUI
o LCD Screen 5 Volt vs. 3.3 Volts o Temperature Sensor Body Temperature vs. Ambient o PCB Headers vs. Sockets
Problem Solution
Problem: Need a way to differentiate various uses of the device. Can’t use timestamps since a clock is not used for the device Automatically change file names or let the user change the file name on their own? Keep files from being duplicated (same name)
Update File Name to test1
Confirm that the File Name has changed in both drop down boxes and verify that the data remains the same.
Added functionality to delete all the recorded files on the flash drive in case the user wishes to clear all of the uses of the device.
Warning message. Will warn the user when there is 2 or less workout slots remaining.
PCB Schematic PCB Layout PCB Size Comparison PCB Parts
LCD Screen VDIP1 module Pulse Sensor Pins Temperature Sensor PIC24HJ32GP202
Pulse Sensor Pins Temperature Sensor PIC24 LCD Screen VDIP1 Module
3.375 in in in in.
Testing Plan for PCB Testing Overview for Sensors Overall System Test Field Testing
DescriptionCompletion PCB Check Party Populate PCB Test microprocessor on board Test each component on board Overall Finished Product Testing
Using UART lines, we captured voltages from the pulse sensor in BullyBootLoader.
Heart rate testing using oscilloscope.
Testing pulse sensor using iphone application.
Testing pulse sensor using counting method.
Testing LCD Screen using default LCD code.
Testing temperature Sensor. Placing finger over sensor to increase the heat. Making sure the warning message will appear when temperature is over 90 degrees.
Data Capture from VDIP1: Gender, Age, Weight
Started with a Alkaline Battery: Voltage has to be above 5 volts to operate Changed to Lithium Battery: Will last roughly 10 hours
PartCurrent Draw VDIP125 mA 40MHz LCD Screen1.2 mA MLX mA Pulse3 mA Total:84.5 mA [11]
PartsCost (Quantity 100) PIC24HJ32GP202$2.90 VDIP1$18.50 LCD Screen$7.66 MLX9060$15.96 Pulse Sensor$19.96 Small Components (Resistors, Capacitors, Fuse, etc.) ~$2.00 PCB14.00 Arm Band Strap5.99 Total:86.97
Material Finished Product
Walked on treadmill.
Ran around track for 1 minute. Checked GUI results to verify accuracy.
GUI results:
[1] [2] [3] p%20heart%20rate%20monitor&hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.eWU&biw=1600&bih=809&sa=X&ei=MCEsUdPhKInk9AT2lYCQCg&ved=0CMYBEPIC MAk [4] [5] [6] Heart-Beats-and-easily-interfaces-to-an-Arduino_4-500x378.png [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]