Author Shawcross By: Paul Kuhn
Early life Born June 6, 1945 Kittery, Me. Troubled family life, claims of repeated sexual and physical abuse but never were verified accounts Dropped out after failing to pass 9 th grade, extremely low self esteem, bullied and participated in bullying of other students Received first probationary sentence at age 18 in December of 1963 for smashing a shop window
Adult Years Violent pattern of behavior since childhood and only grew more bold as a adult Series of violent crimes and actions ranging from domestic assault to vandalism and arson, short marriages ending violently Began encounters with the law at age 18 and continued consistently till his tour of duty in Vietnam in 1967 Upon returning he claimed his first victim, 10 year old Jack Blake
The Murders Victims: 11 prostitutes and 2 children All murders occurred in New York in the areas between Rochester and Watertown Killing began in 1972 and was arrested and charged for the death of the 2 children but only served a 15 year sentence out of a 25 to life original sentence, had all his records sealed by the court, relocated, and continued killing till 1990 Very sporadic pattern of the times of killing and motives mostly anger and rage Known to strangle then mutilate and sexual assault most also cannibalized some victims Evidence corroborating this was found in all autopsies of all 13 victims Bodies were progressively discovered in fields, under bridges, and washed up on the side of the body of water in the area of the crime Seen fleeing scene of Murder of June Cicero by a police helicopter that accidently discovered the body laying on the ice. Shawcross was running to his vehicle and leaving the scene and was eventually arrested
Victims: Jack Blake, Karen Hill, Patricia Ives, Frances Brown, June Cicero, Darlene Trippi, Anne Marie Steffen, Dorothy Blackburn, Kimberly Logan, June Stotts, Marie Welch, Elizabeth Gibson, Dorothy Keller
Conclusion Arthur Shawcross died on November 8 th, 2008 in prison were he belonged His case is closed so no new evidence is there to be added This particular case had no change in forensics but in the legal system after sealing a potential serial killers records and allowing him to be so difficult to trace to violent crimes such as the Shawcross murders I am glad that this was before my time and that the world can learn more about the people who do these terrible things. Hopefully we can find a solution to the imbalances within the brain of all the people who are at risk of becoming the next big serial killer.
Works Citied #early-life #early-life