Compose and Decompose to Make Ten Unit of Study: Making a Ten Global Concept Guide: 2 of 2
Content Development Approximately three days should be spent on students developing an understanding and investigating the ways to compose and decompose 10. Students should have multiple opportunities to build and break apart ten using a variety of tools. (i.e. tens frames, snap cubes, cuisenaire rods, chain links) Ten frames play a vital role in helping students develop a visual image of the number pairs that make ten.
Day 1 The focus of Day 1 is for students to count on from any given number to make a ten. Provide students opportunities to recognize numbers as visual representations of a number (0-10) and build the number ten with counting on from the given number
Day 2 The focus of Day 2 provides students exploration time with tools to find the different ways ten can be composed and decomposed. Use open ended problem solving scenarios such as: Mrs. John’s class was playing kickball. There were 10 students playing in all. How many girls were playing? How many boys? Students can create foldables or use notebooks to record their learning.
Day 3 The focus of Day 3 reinforces composing and decomposing all of the number bonds for 10. Provide students with tools that can be snapped together/taken apart to model the multiple number pairs that form 10. Create a class anchor chart with students findings.
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