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My Plate My Plate tells you what kind, and how much food you need to eat to be healthy It is divided into 5 sections! These sections are Fruit, Grains, Vegetables, Protein, and Dairy Click the next button to see what My Plate looks like!
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We Want to be Healthy! To be healthy, we need to have a balanced diet This means that we need the right amount of each food group!
Fruit! It is important to eat a variety of fruits Eat actual fruit instead of drinking juice for your fruit choices Examples of fruit include foods like bananas, apples, grapes, and oranges
Vegetables! Examples of veggies include tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, and peas Vegetables are important to a healthy diet
Protein! A few good examples of protein are chicken, eggs, nuts, beans, and fish It is a good idea to vary your protein sources, and choose low-fat or lean products It is also healthier to bake, broil, or grill your meat and poultry
Grains! Examples of grains are cereal, bread, rice, and pasta Half of the grains that you eat should be whole grains
Dairy! Examples of dairy products are milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese If you can’t drink milk, choose lactose-free products Choose low-fat or fat free options
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Serving Sizes! Serving sizes are the suggested amount of food, from each food group, that you should eat every day
Fruit Serving Size! Eat 2 cups every day! Examples of 1 cup: 1 cup of raw or cooked fruit, 1 cup of 100% fruit juice, or a ½ cup a dried fruit
Vegetable Serving Size! Eat 2 ½ cups every day! Examples of 1 cup: 1 cup of raw or cooked veggies, 1 cup of vegetable juice, or 2 cups of leafy salad greens
Protein Serving Size! Eat 5 ½ ounces every day! Examples of 1 ounce: 1 ounce of lean meat, poultry or fish, I egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, ½ ounce nuts or seeds, or ¼ cup beans or peas
Grains Serving Size! Eat 6 ounces every day! Examples of an ounce: 1 slice of bread, or ½ cup of cooked rice, cereal or pasta
Dairy Serving Size! Eat 3 cups every day! Examples of 1 cup: 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1 ½ ounces of natural cheese
Chart my Food! Food Group Breakfast Lunch Dinner Total Servings Fruit Vegetables Grains Protein Dairy
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1. Which food is in the dairy group? A. Hamburger B. Cheese C. Bread D. Crackers
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2. Which food is in the protein group? A. Cheese B. Bread C. Hamburger D. Crackers
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3. How much of your daily grains should be whole grains? B. None C. ½ D. 1/4
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4. How many food groups does My Plate include? B. 10 C. 7 D. 5
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5. Which food is in the fruit group? A. Banana B. Pasta C. Yogurt D. Chicken
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Sources! All Pictures- https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi&ei=ixCMUt- fEZHb8AGUlICgDA&ved=0CAQQqi4oAg Information- http://www.avinutrisource.com/nutrilearn_18_myplate.php