Lamar Brown
In a personal training setting its important to stay hydrated We want to encourage clients to drink more water throughout the day by downloading Water Your Body.
YYour body is about 60% water WWater carries nutrients throughout the body GGets rid of toxins RRegulates body temperature YYou should drink eight 8ounce glasses of water daily.
Do you drink enough water ? Do you always forget to drink water regularly ? This app reminds you to drink water every day and tracks your water drinking. PRICE: FREE! FREE! FREE!!
Remind you to drink water daily Set smart reminders throughout the day or week Calculate how much you should drink Edit your own cups Set Daily targets for drinking amount
Track drinking habits Takes all liquids consumed into account (soda, sports drinks,coffee,ect.) Shows tracking chart and considers your weight Create graphs and tracking logs
This app is FREE! Can be used on Android phones or Iphones Can also be used on Ipads or tablets Can be downloaded on Google play or apple application store.
CConvenient way to remind and track water consumption WWater is very important for the body YYou need to stay hydrated to lose weight and remain healthy