Registering your data with OBFS Ecoinformatics Workshop Samantha Romanello Long Term Ecological Research University of New Mexico
Registering your data In this session we will give you an opportunity to register your data sets using the OBFS data registry.
Data Registries Why are they important?
OBFS Data Registry Created through a cooperative effort Based on software developed through the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity
Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity a national network intended to facilitate ecological and environmental research on biocomplexity. is an efficient way to discover, access, interpret, integrate and analyze complex ecological data from a highly-distributed set of field stations, laboratories, research sites, and individual researchers.
Searching for data using OBFS There are two ways to search for data using OBFS
Searching with OBFS Simple and browsing searching available Simple searching through simple string Browsing through the list of registered data sets
Example Search
Example searching for NPP Simple search using net productivity
Example of Search Results
There are 3 types of functions View Edit Delete
Viewing Search Results There are 2 ways to view Click on view Click on link
Viewing Search Results
Editing and Deleting Search Results Editing and deleting are determined through access rights
KNB Search We can search for Sandy’s files on the KNB site
KNB Search You will notice the same files can be accessed through the KNB site although not edited or deleted
OBFS Data Registry Before you can register your data set you will need to register as a new user with the KNB site.
Registering with KNB
in the lower left-hand part of your screen you will notice a login & registration box Registering with KNB
Click on link “create new account” to open the window where you can create your metacat account
This window will open Please fill in the registration information Register as OBFS Information in red is required. Creating your Metacat Account
Write down this information as you will need your username and password to create your profile in Morpho! You can use this account to search for data on the KNB website and to access data on Morpho Creating your Metacat Account
in the left-hand part of your screen you will notice a link for metadata catalogue Registering your data on line
Click on link “metadata catalogue” to open the new window
Registering your data on line There are two ways to register your data sets. Either by clicking the link in the top menu or clicking the link under registry tools
Registering your data on line Information in red is required If you have questions… click on the link for guide on how to complete data registry entries or what is this
Data Registry Guide
What is this?
Registering your data on line There is a pull down bar for field stations If you are not on the list please type in your station
Associated Parties Click on this link to add additional people
A new box will open Associated Parties
Use the pull down menu to associate role
Keywords Click on this link to add additional keywords
Keywords A new box will open For the purposes of this activity lets add the keyword training
Keywords If you know you can describe the keyword type
Keywords And the associated thesaurus
Data Medium There is a pull down menu describe the medium the data is saved in
Constraints There is a pull down menu to allow who can use the data
Registering your data on line Keep entering in metadata Information in red is required If you have questions… click on the link for guide on how to complete data registry entries or what is this
Registering your data on line When you have entered all the appropriate metadata click on the box submit.
Error message If you did not enter required metadata (i.e., informati on in red) you will get an the following error message
Error message Click on the link here to return to the form
Return to data entry form
Please continue on your own or in small groups entering metadata your datasets. Double check what you have entered searching the OBFS site or the KNB site Feel free to ask questions of the trainers. When everyone has completed registering as many of their datasets as time allows we will resume at with the Morpho presentation and activity.