Kyriakos Baxevanidis European Commission, DG INFSO eInfrastructures (9-10 December 2003, Rome) Session 5: Organisation and Structure of the eInfrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) Session 5: Organisation and Structure of the eInfrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG)
Mission Current Terms of Reference Roles, Interfaces Technical Support Team and White-Paper Resources Three talks addressing key issues eIRG - key issues
Mission Support the creation of a policy and administrative framework for the easy and cost effective shared use of ICT-resources in Europe (focusing on Grid-computing, data storage, and networking resources) across institutional and national domains (and stimulate international co-operation on these topics)
Current Terms of Reference Monitor and advise on the policy harmonisation process; support establishment of a common policy and administrative framework Members appointed by national research authorities of MS and AS Assisted by a technical support team (White Papers, Questionnaires etc) Current ToR subject to discussion and modifications in tomorrow’s meeting
eIRG Technical Support Team Policy Recommendations Questionnaires Position Papers Best practices... Projects Propose resource sharing schemes Adopt best practices, recommendations... Institutions implementing resource sharing schemes... Funding authorities (work-programmes..) EU National Interface to other policy bodies ESFRI... Interface to other policy bodies ESFRI... Roles, Interfaces
Technical Support Team Current members serve on a “free time” basis Are involved in big on-going Grid initiatives First task was the writing of a draft White Paper A more permanent scheme (objectives, roles, resources…) in the future ? Can be a strong tool for eIRG and Europe (registry of resources, Questionnaires etc) Role and synthesis to be discussed tomorrow
White Paper A first draft providing some examples and best practices on resource sharing policies (to stimulate discussions in Rome) Future versions to be broader in scope and community base that they address Reflect on the progress of the works of the eIRG Next initiative in plan: a Questionnaire to identify resource sharing policies in MS/AS & needs - effort to create registry of resources that can be shared
Resources Two meetings organized by the Greek & Italian EU Presidencies (in co-operation with the EC) - next Presidency (Ireland) is continuing the effort Support team: Current work on a “free time” basis 2 FTEs in EGEE to support the team, DEISA in the loop (both in negotiation) Possible need for additional resources as objectives and roles are being elaborated Scope for more EU (and National) funding as context and needs are developing
eIRG meeting on 10 December Refine mission Identify key areas where action can be taken Discuss on its organization; role of support team Define a plan for 2004 ... Next meeting in Ireland on 16 April 2004
Three talks addressing key issues An e-Infrastructure in Europe: a strategy and policy driven approach - Dany Vandromme (Renater, GÉANT, ESFRI-HPC) The Future of European Research Networking and Grids - Dai Davies (DANTE) Regulated access policies and infrastructure deployment - Davide Gallino (Italian Regulator for tlc and audiovisual)