Teacher(s): Time: The Unit Organizer Student: Course Dates: Last 6 Weeks– 1 Week Broadcast Journalism: Unit Questions: is about Mrs. Dowd communications via radio, television (RTV) or online sources. KUT is Austin’s NPR affiliate. The latter broadcasts from NYC. Link to and see tell me about the program formats ? 1.What is NPR? What are the Weekend Programs/Format? 2.What is KUT? Weekend Edition Car Talk 3.Who is Jennifer Stayton? Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me 4.What does affiliate mean? The American Life Across the Water 5.What is broadcast journalism? This American Life Twine Time 6.Where is the station located? Global Grooves Weekly programs/format? Morning Edition with Jennifer Stayton Is Austin City Limits part of KUT programming? Marketplace Report What pays for the AIR TIME? Eklektikos Writers’ Almanac Does KUT sponsor SXSW? Fresh Air Explain This I Believe… essays? All Things Considered What is a Public Service Announcement (PSA)? The World What is a membership drive? 0’Dark 30Explain non profit. Authentic Assessment is measured in the following ways: ability to define: What is broadcast journalism? How does it differ from print journalism? What is mass communications? ability to tell me: What does NPR stand for? What does it mean to be an affiliate? What is KUT? Where is KUT located? Why is it an important to keep KUT funded. It is a non profit station. Who is Jennifer Stayton? What is an anchor? Tests and Projects …60% Listen to Mrs. Stayton and ask her questions that are thought provoking. Poor Question-Do you like being on the air? Better Question – What was your major and degree in to become an anchor on a prominent station? What types of broadcast journalists are there besides radio? Daily Assignments % Are measured in the following ways– Observation/ Participation … Demonstrating effective work habits, using time wisely when ‘recreating a spread,’ and listening to lectures and instructions before creating an original spread.
Community Principles Learning Rituals Course Map This Course: includes Performance Options Student: Critical Concepts Learned in this Unit Journalism – Newspaper & Yearbook Read the overhead – What are we doing today? Log On & check the website for today’s lesson if working on production. Use Typing Pals and practice for 5 minutes OR read the headlines for the daily news online. National Geographic and TIME are available for reading material as well as a library of MS novels. Sit at the long tables if working on writing activity. Log Off at the end of the period. Students sit at assigned workstations. Study What is NPR? What is an affiliate? What is a PSA? Personal Best Respectful & Responsible Only Appreciations Work ethically Lifetime Learner 1.Overtime required of all staff per 6 weeks 2.Photo of the Week 3.Production and Deadlines 4.Beats 5.Tests/Projects/Activities Reporting Anchors Program Schedules Advertising Austin City Limits Programming Music Format nonprofit Non Profit Interviewing Writing Career Opportunities