Study of GEM Structures for a TPC Readout M. Killenberg, S. Lotze, J. Mnich, A. Münnich, S. Roth, M. Weber RWTH Aachen October 2003
Experiments & numerical simulation R&D on GEM for a TPC at Aachen o Charge transfer in high magnetic fields: Collection of primary electrons ( dE/dx) Effective gain Ion feedback o Gas studies: TPC gas: high drift velocity at low field High neutron background low H content Impact of gas on charge transfer in GEM o Length & width of electron signal resolution o Mechanics of GEM readout structure and long term TPC operation
Charge Transfer Measurements in Magnetic Field 5 T magnet at DESY Charge transfer deduced From current measurements
o Triple GEM structure works in a large magnetic field o B field improves some parameter (signal height) o Only small effect on collection of primary electrons Result of Measurements:
Langevin equation: Aleph: B = 1.5 = 9 Tesla: B = 4 = 24 Impact on electron collection ? dE/dx resolution = cyclotron frequency = mean free time Calculation of drift lines (no diffusion) Collection of primary electrons
Simulation: Impact of Gas on Charge Transfer Low diffusion gas ArCO 2 High diffusion gas ArCH 4 Numerical simulation of diffusion with Garfield Illustrative example: Drift paths of electrons randomly distributed over a GEM hole
Simulation of Gain in GEM Structures Number of secondaries per primary electrons (single GEM) Very broad distribution Creation of secondaries mostly at edges But there is no extraction at edges!
Gas amplication and electron extraction in a GEM x electron created x created & extracted Primary electrons Simulation of Gain in GEM Structures
Simulations allow optimisation of GEM readout structure Comparison Measurements and Simulations
Measurement of Ion Feedback in Magnetic Field TPC: Ion feedback into drift volume would distort electric field naturally suppressed in GEM structures improves with magnetic field Magnetic field [T] Ion feedback Triple GEM setup Optimized for ion feedback
Width & Length of Signal Comparison of signals: GEM versus wire readout For optimal space resolution match pad size to cluster size
Measurement of Charge Width in Magnetic Field - Measurement of charge width after passing triple GEM stack - Reduction of diffusion in high magnetic fields Fe 55 source ArCH 4 C0 2 92/5/3 Charge width is governed by primary ionisation and diffussion between GEM foils Range of 2,68 keV electrons in Ar
Constrcution of a Triple GEM Readout Struture Large (1.4 m 3 ) TPC Triple GEM structure
TPC operating with Triple GEM Readout
GEM readout is promising candidate to build a TPC with 100 m single point resolution in high B field Conclusion & Outlook o GEM readout structures successfully operated in 5 T field ion feedback & signal height improve no big loss of primary electrons cluster widths reduces as expected o Long term stable operation of TPC with triple GEM structure o Simulation tools in hand to optimize layout & operation parameter ion feedback <1% achieved Next steps: o Simulation of conditions for a TPC at the LC determine neutron backgound to choose gas and required ion feedback o Build prototype TPC to demonstrate performance in test beam and magnetic field