29 November 2015 First Sunday of Advent A Gathering Around Word and Table.


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Presentation transcript:

29 November 2015 First Sunday of Advent A Gathering Around Word and Table

We Gather

CENTERING MUSIC We Gather Together Flor Peeters CHRIST CANDLE We light the candle to remember God’s promise to be present when God’s people gather today. (Please allow this as time for reflection and quieting your heart and thoughts for worship.) WELCOME AND PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS

your bulletin lists most of them DECEMBER F.O.N.-A-THON ~ Every Sunday in December Feeding Our Neighbors December 5 th, (550 W. Main St.) Assemble Lunches December 6 th, Bracewell Park (River & Houghton) give out lunches and communion

*CALL TO WORSHIP Left Side: God, you are with us. Right Side: Alleluia, Emmanuel. Left Side: Alleluia, Emmanuel. Right Side: God is with us. All: Thanks be to God.

*GATHERING PRAYER Faithful God, who promises presence, ready our hearts for the brightness Jesus’ birth once again, that we might shine your presence to the world. Amen.

*GATHERING SONGS O Come, O Come Emmanuel UMH #211 Benedictus: An Advent Hymn by Jane Marino

Benedictus: An Advent Hymn (to the tune of O Perfect Love UMH #645) We wait for thee, our Lord and mighty Savior Born to redeem, to set thy people free Promised of old by word of holy prophet In silent worship we prepare for thee. Thy word is true, a covenant of mercy In quiet prayer we wait the opening day Fearless we rise to greet the unknown future Strong in the faith that you will guard our way. Show us thy path, O God of great compassion, From all our sin grant us a sure release. Let thy dawn break for us who dwell in darkness And guide our feet into the way of peace.

UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION On behalf of the global Church, we confess our sin before God and one another. Ever present God, in the midst of a busy season we confess that at times we are distracted. Forgive us when we fail to be your presence in the world through our thoughts, words, and deeds. Free our lives to be your carols of praise so that the world would hear the good news announcing the coming of Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. INDIVIDUAL SILENT CONFESSION

ASSURANCE OF GRACE Leader: In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. People: In the name of Jesus Christ, We are forgiven. All: Alleluia. Thanks be to God. *SHARING SIGNS OF GOD’S PEACE

We Listen and Respond

ANTHEM The Simple Gifts Aaron Copland SCRIPTURE Jeremiah 33:14-16 Luke 21:25-36 (moment of silent reflection upon today’s scripture) Lector: Holy Wisdom, Holy Word. All: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “When God Comes to Town” Pastor Dan

RESPONSE (reflection upon Mary Consoles Eve)

OUR PRAYERS SHARING OUR JOYS & CONCERNS For each request shared, please respond: Lord, hear our prayer.

A CANDLE TO SYMBOLIZE GOD’S GLOBAL VISION OF COMPASSION, JUSTICE, AND PEACE: ~ We pray for those in need of peace in this season when we sing of peace ~ God encounter us and help us to know the real, lasting, deep peace you offer to us in Jesus. Help us to know you as Emmanuel.


LORD’S PRAYER (variation on traditional English version) Our Father in Heaven. Your Name is Holy. Your Kingdom come. As Your will is done in heaven, may it also be done on earth. Give our daily bread to us today; Forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us; Lead us not into temptation, And deliver us from Evil; For the kingdom, the power, and the glory belong to you forever and ever. Amen.

PRESENTING A TITHE AND OFFERING OF OUR TIME, TREASURE AND TALENT TO GOD This week’s food offering will be distributed to the Salvation Army food pantry in North Adams. OFFERTORY Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming

*DOXOLOGY AND SINGING PRAISE (to the tune of UMH #95) Praise God, who is our Emmanuel; Praise God, who was pleased with us to dwell; Praise God, all you in heaven and on earth; Praise our Triune God of matchless worth. Amen. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION

SHARING IN COMMUNION Invitation (please follow along with the bulletin) Receiving the Bread and Cup Song During Communion TFWS #2026 (until all are fed) Halle, Halle, Halleluja! Halleluja! Prayer After Communion

We Go into the World to Share God’s Love


Connect with New Hope Mailing: Gathering: P.O. Box 744 Images Cinema North Adams, MA Williamstown, MA 01267