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Presentation transcript:


SOME INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS Theology: The study of the nature of God and of religious belief Why study theology? If we are to properly worship God, we need to have proper knowledge of God "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi" – The Law of Prayer is the Law of belief.


The importance of Scripture to our faith The importance of "Spirit and Truth" Seasonal: Living out Christ's Life as Christ's People Note: Not Present in 1662 Rooting our Holy Days in Scripture


CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION (P5) Keeping "short accounts" with the Lord The sinfulness of sin "miserable offenders" "no health in us"

CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION (P5) God's does the work in our pardon and restoration The importance of the Gospel for Christians' sanctification (not just for the unbeliever's salvation) God's desire for our reconciliation to him The gift of the Holy Spirit


Praying the way Jesus taught Summary of all our needs


Interpreting the OT in light of NT Truth (Gloria Patri) The importance of Praise and Thanksgiving The learning from our Praise (Christological focus) Connection to the past Israel Our Forefathers in the Church


The importance of a daily diet of God's Word OT is just as important as NT (Article VII) The importance of the whole Story 1928 – Cycle of Christian Year Relative importance of Apocrypha/Deuterocanonicals (Article VI)


Reinforcing the importance of praise Not all of our Scriptural Songs are in the Psalms Not all of the Church's most important songs are in the Scriptures

THE CANTICLES (PP 10-15) Te Deum laudamus (traditional hymn) Trinitarian Focus on Christ Temporal/Eternal continuity BIG STORY

THE CANTICLES (PP 10-15) Benedictus es, Domine (Daniel 3:53 Apocrypha/LXX) Majesty of God Temple language… in Exile

THE CANTICLES (PP 10-15) Benedicite, omnia opera Domini (Daniel 3:57 – Apocrypha, LXX) All of Creation praises/blesses the Lord All of Israel (& the Church) praises/blesses the Lord Creation and Church are not a dichotomy

THE CANTICLES (PP 10-15) Benedictus (Luke 1:68) Song of Zechariah Prophetic expectation of Christ God's faithfulness to Israel Christ is the fulfillment of Israel


Importance of orthodox belief Always Trinitarian in the Story Focus on Christ Baptismal roots (Apostles') Catholic roots (Nicene)


Mercy, salvation, clean hearts, and the Holy Spirit all work together for us They all are gifts of God


"Of the Day" – Church life is Christ's life (season) For peace God grants peace God is ultimately our defender We will have enemies and troubles Christ is our hope

THE COLLECTS (P17) For Grace The Father keeps us safe The Father can keep us from sin He is our governor and guide


Civil Prayers Pray for our leaders When good or when bad Authority comes from God

ADDITIONAL PRAYERS (P17) Praying for the Clergy/Church Praying for our needs and those of others Thanksgiving for God's goodness

ADDITIONAL PRAYERS (P17) St. Chrysostom Importance of Unity Connection to the East Grace (2 Corinthians 13:14) Trinitarian Biblical blessings