Overview of Roman History
1184, B.C.: Trojan War
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Descendants of Aeneas Create family tree: Aeneas to Romulus
Legend of Romulus up to … Tell story
Founding of Rome 753 B.C.
Romulus First King
Numa Pompilius Second King
Tullus Hostilius Third king Tullus was the grandson of Hostius Hostilius who was a Roman hero and served under Romulus. Tullus Hostilius came to power in 673 BC.
Ancus Marcius Fourth King
Tarquinius Priscus Fifth King
Servius Tullius Sixth King
Tarquinius Superbus Seventh King Superbus means 'the haughty one' descendant from an Etruscan family son of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus married to Tullia, the daughter of Servius Tullius Killed tullias father the become king
No election repealed the recent reforms in the constitution Waged wars with the Latins and Etruscans Capitoline Temple (Jupiter Capitolinus) Cloaca Maxima, the sewerage system that discharged into the Tiber less politically astute irritated the people by the burdens he placed upon them behaved like an autocrat
Rise of the Republic 10 B.C.
First Consuls
Cursus Honorem 2 consuls: Co-presidents
Citizen Army
Expantion of Rome
Heroes of the Roman Republic Horatius Cocles Mucius Scaevola Cloelia Lucius Quinctus Cincinnatus
Horatius Cocles Guarded the bridge to Rome The Etruscans were attacking Had his comrads destroy the bridge behind him Held of the Etruscans untill his men had destroyed the bridge behind him After a quick prayer to the god of the river, he jumped into the river and swam to safety
Gaius Mucius Scaevola Swore to assassinate the Etruscan King Snuck into the camp on a day when the soldiers were being paid Did not know which was the king and who was the scribe Guessed and killed the man who was the kings scribe The king had him arrested and threatended to burn him To prove to Porsenna the he would not yield, he stuck his hand in the fire on the alter He was allowed to leave the camp alive because he had shown no pain while his hand burned He arrived back at Rome a hero and was nicknamed ‘Lefty’ because he had destroyed his right in the fire.
Cloelia Porsonna offered to withdraw his troops in exchange for Roman hostages Cloelia, along with the oother girls, was exchanged for Roman freedom When she saw the camp was near the Tiber river, she led a few other girls and they swam across through a shower of spears Porsonna demanded the return of the girl, and sent her and her choice of the other hostages home again Honored her by doing this and erecting a statue of a girl on a horse in the Forum in her honor
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus The entire Roman army and their commander was surrounded As a desperate measure, the counsel elected Cincinnatus as dictator The met and gave him this news after finding him plowing in a field He sent his wife for his toga while he wiped off the dust and sweat As soon as he put on his toga, he was named dictator and whisked off to Rome He ordered all the men of military age to carry five days of food and 12 poles to build a palisade around the Etruscans The palisade was built and the enemy surrendered, having nowhere to go. Within days of Romes victor, he resigned and went back to his home