Estonian monitoring and evaluation system Kristine Hindriks Local Initiative and Human Environment Bureau October 28 th 2015
Evaluation Plan a new element under the monitoring and evaluation framework 2014 – 2020 mandatory component of the RDPs. tool for Managing Authorities to plan evaluation activities during the programming period specify how monitoring and evaluation activities are going to be conducted. The responsibility of drafting the evaluation plan lies with the Managing Authority. LAG s will submit data to Ministry of Rural Affairs and other actors when it is necessary. Besides LAG-s make self-evaluation..
Monitoring and evaluation Ex-ante evaluation Annual Implementing Report (AIR) 2017 include a description of the implementation of any sub-programme included in the RDP and, if appropriate evidence is available, an assessment of the progress made towards achieving the objectives of the programme 2019 The enhanced AIR submitted in 2019 shall additionally include a further assessment of progress made towards the objectives of the programme and its contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy Ex-post evaluation
Monitoring EC compulsory indicators Country specific indicators Indicators that LAG-s set
Regulation that states what indicators MS should collect (target, result, output, evaluation questions) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2014 Context indicator Result indicator Output indicator Target indicator Evaluation questions
Compulsory output indicators
Result and target indicator New jobs created.
Applica nt Local Action Group Payin g Agenc y Managing Authority Jobs created Project Application/ Payment claim Register Summari ze Analyze/Air Type of project promoters (NGO, NGO-s, LAG-s, Public Bodies, SME-s Summari ze Analyze/AIR Number of LAG-s selected Summarize/An alyze/AIR Population covered by LAG LAG submits the number Summari ze Analyze/AIR No of projects spread betw. FA Adds FA-s to projects (Payment claim for linking indicators) Summari ze Analyze/AIR LAG cooperation projects inter- territorial, TNC (No of projects+euros) 19.3 Payment Claim Summari ze Preparation of co-operation projects (euros) 19.3 Payment Claim Summari ze Analyze/AIR Unique no of LAGs in cooperation projects CountAnalyze/AIR No of LAGs selected CountAnalyze/AIR Preparation of LDS (euros) Payment Claim Summari ze Analyze/AIR Running & Animation cost (19.4) (euros) Payment Claim Summari ze Analyze/AIR
Indicators according to FA-s Focus Areas 1 and 2 1A Fostering innovation, cooperation and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas * 1B Strengthening the links between agriculture, food production, forestry and research and innovation, including for the purpose of improved environmental management and performance. Number of cooperation operations (non-Article 35(1c) of Reg. (EU) N° 1303/2013 operations) (number) 1C Fostering lifelong learning and vocational training in the agricultural and forestry sectors. Number of participants trained (number) 2A Improving the economic performance of all farms and facilitating farm restructuring and modernisation, notably with a view to increase market participation and orientation as well as agricultural diversification. Number of holdings/beneficiaries supported (number) 2BFacilitating entry of adequately skilled farmers into the agriculture sector and in particular generational renewal. Number of holdings/beneficiaries supported (number)
Focus Area 3 3 A Improving competitiveness of primary producers by better integrating them into the agri-food chain through quality schemes, adding value to agriculture products, promotion in local markets and short supply circuits, producer groups and organisations and inter-branch organisations. Number of holdings supported or participating in supported schemes (number) 3BSupporting farm risk prevention and management. Number of holdings supported or participating in supported schemes (number)
Focus Area 4 Forestry 4A Restoring, and preserving and enhancing biodiversity, including in Natura 2000 areas, areas facing natural or other specific constraints and High Nature Value (HNV) farming, and the state of European landscapes. forestry Total area (forestry) (ha) 4B Improving water management, including fertiliser and pesticide management. 4CPreventing soil erosion and improving soil management
Focus Area 4 Agriculture 4a Restoring, and preserving and enhancing biodiversity, including in Natura 2000 areas, areas facing natural or other specific constraints and High Nature Value (HNV) farming, and the state of European landscapes. agriculture Total area (agriculture) (ha) 4b Improving water management, including fertiliser and pesticide management. 4cPreventing soil erosion and improving soil management
Focus Area 5 5AIncreasing efficiency in water use by agricultureTotal area (ha) 5B Increasing efficiency in energy use in agriculture and food processing. Total investment (euros) 5C Facilitating the supply and use of renewable sources of energy, by-products, wastes, residues and other non-food raw material for purposes of the bio-economy. Total investment (euros) 5D Reducing green house gas and ammonia emissions from agriculture. Total area or number of LU (ha or nr) LU = Livestock Unit 5EFostering carbon conservation and sequestration in agriculture and forestry. Total area (ha)
Focus Area 6 6A Facilitating diversification, creation and development of small enterprises and job creation. * 6BFostering local development in rural areas. Population benefiting from improved services/infrastructures (number)
Country-specific monitoring indicators No of projects aimed at enterpreneurship No of cooperation projects between the enterprises Area-based specificities will be better used Finding and taking into use innovative solutions. New solutions to lose the bottle-necks on availability of services in scarcely populated rural areas To improve local governance on local level : 1. number of members per LAG; 2. number of networking projects where at least one local government participates 3. number of applicants that apply for support from LEADER measure for the first time Topics of the project (youth projects, horticulture, food) Indicators set by LAGs. Self-evaluation.
Local Action Group Paying Agency Managing Authority No of projects that aim at enterpreneurship Check Summariz e Analyze cooperation projects between the enterprises Check Summariz e Analyze Area-based specificities will be better used Check Summariz e Analyze Finding and taking into use the innovative solutions. Check Summariz e Analyze New solutions to lose the bottle-necks of availability of services in scarcely populated rural areas Check Summariz e Analyze To improve local governance on local level : 1. number of members per LAG; Report- 2. number of networking projects where at least one local government participates Check Summariz e Analyze 3. number of applicants that apply for support from LEADER measure for the first time Count-Analyze Topics of the project (youth projects, horticulture, local food) Summariz e Analyze Indicators set by LAGs + self evaluation Report-Analyze
LAG monitoring indicators LAGs communicate results of their actions to management of LAG, local people, media, LAG itself (self-evaluation) and other interested groups. Also MA may be interested in the results. Monitoring indicators set up by LAG-s.
Some examples Budget usage (total and by measure) Applications statistics Projects contribution to objectives and indicators of LDS Projects introducing new local products and services number of trainings, number of training hours, Number of events, increase of competence and cooperation., increased turnover of the entrepreneur, job-s maintained, better use of local resources, new products and services in the area, solved bottle-necks what concerned the services in the area
EC compulsoryCountry specific (Estonia)LAG specific Jobs createdNo of projects that aim at enterpreneurship Budget usage (total and by measure) Type of project promoters (NGO, NGO-s, LAG-s, Public Bodies, SME-s cooperation projects between the enterprises Applications statistics Number of LAG-s selectedArea-based specificities will be better used Projects contribution to objectives and indicators of LDS Population covered by LAGFinding and taking into use the innovative solutions. LAG animation activities and co- operation projects No of projects spread betw. FA, +euros New solutions to lose the bottle-necks of availability of services in scarcely populated rural areas No of trainings and events LAG cooperation projects inter-territorial, TNC (No of projects+euros) To improve local governance on local level : 1. number of members per LAG; 3. number of applicants that apply for support from LEADER measure for the first time Co-operation other than between the LAGs Preparation of co-operation projects (euros) 2. number of networking projects where at least one local government participates Jobs maintained Unique no of LAGs in cooperation projects 3. number of applicants that apply for support from LEADER measure for the first time Projects introducing new local products and services No of LAGs selectedTopics of the project (youth projects, horticulture, local food) Increase in turnover of enterpreneurs Preparation of LDS (euros) Self-evaluationImproved culture and nature objects Running & Animation cost (19.4) (euros)
Thank you for your attention! Kristine Hindriks