A wildlife fieldtrip HungryRed wingedBald EagleSeagullsFluffy MallardHunting eaglePtarmiganPeacockBlue Heron CardinalGoldfinch Click on a red button for information about a bird Click on a blue button to see a bird Click on the house to come back to this slide
about hungry birds
Cold Red Winged Blackbird
about cold blackbirds
Bald Eagle
about Bald Eagles
Seagulls flocking
about feeding Seagulls
Feathers fluffed for warmth
about adaptations to cold
Mallard landing
about Mallards
Bald Eagle Hunting
about eagles hunting prey
Ptarmigan on snow
about arctic camouflage
Peacock showing off
about Peacocks
Blue Heron hunting dinner
about Blue Herons
Male Cardinal at feeder
about Cardinals
about Goldfinches