Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. Implementing the NDP in KZN From NDP to MTSF to PGDP to DGDP to IDP FROM PLANNING TO IMPLEMENTATION AND DELIVERY 1 Our future - make it work NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2030 V 2
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. Establishing and maintaining a direct line of sight to the National Development Plan and the MTSF 2
3 Planning alignment for integrated implementation
4 WARD BASED PLANS Alignment of Strategic Plans
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. 5 The objectives of the plan are the elimination of poverty and the reduction of inequality through: Uniting South Africans of all races and classes around a common programme to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality; Encouraging citizens to be active in their own development, in strengthening democracy and in holding their government accountable; Raising economic growth, promoting exports and making the economy more labour absorbing; Focusing on key capabilities of both people and the country with focus on skills, infrastructure, social security, strong institutions and partnerships both within the country and with key international partners; Building a capable and developmental state; and Strong leadership throughout society that work together to solve our problems Six pillars of the National Development Plan
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. 6 1.Education 2.Health 3.Safety 4.Employment 5.Skilled work force 6.Economic infrastructure 7.Rural development 8.Human settlements 9.Developmental local government 10.Environmental assets and natural resources 11.Better South Africa 12.Development oriented public service 13.Social protection 14.Transforming society and uniting the country 2030 Vision 14 MTSF Outcomes as implementation framework of the NDP:
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. The PGDP alignment with the NDP and MTSF 7 1.Education 2.Health 3.Safety 4.Employment 5.Skilled work force 6.Economic infrastructure 7.Rural development 8.Human settlements 9.Developmental local government 10.Environmental assets and natural resources 11.Better South Africa 12.Development oriented public service 13.Social protection 14.Transforming society and uniting the country 1.Job creation 2.Human resource development 3.Human and community development 4.Strategic infrastructure 5.Environmental sustainability 6.Policy and governance 7.Spatial equity 14 MTSF OUTCOMES14 MTSF OUTCOMES 7PGDSGOALS7PGDSGOALS 30PGDPOBJECTIVES30PGDPOBJECTIVES 1. Unleashing the Agricultural Sector 2.Industrial Development through Trade, Investment & Exports 3.Government-led job creation 4. SMME, Entrepreneurial and Youth Development 5.Enhance the Knowledge Economy 6.Early Childhood Development, Primary and Secondary Education 7. Skills alignment to Economic Growth 8.Youth Skills Dev & Life-Long Learning 9.Poverty Alleviation & Social Welfare 10.Health of Communities and Citizens 11.Sustainable Household Food Security 12.Promote Sustainable Human Settlement 13.Enhance Safety & Security 14.Advance Social Capital 15.Development of Harbours 16.Development of Ports 17.Development of Road & Rail Networks 18.Development of ICT Infrastructure 19.Improve Water Resource Management 20.Develop Energy Production and Supply 21.Productive Use of Land 22.Alternative Energy Generation 23.Manage pressures on Biodiversity 24.Adaptation to Climate Change 25.Policy and Strategy Co-ordination & IGR 26.Building Government Capacity 27.Eradicating Fraud & Corruption 28.Participative Governance 29.Promoting Spatial Concentration 30.Integrated Land Man & Spatial Planning
30 7 Vision 2030 STRATEGIC GOALS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KZN PGDS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK KwaZulu-Natal will be a prosperous Province with a healthy, secure and skilled population, acting as a gateway to Africa and the World JOB CREATION 1 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY 6 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 5 STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE 4 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 2 SPATIAL EQUITY 7 HUMAN & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3 1. Unleashing the Agricultural Sector 2. Enhance Industrial Development through Trade, Investment & Exports 3. Expansion of Government-led job creation programmes 4. Promoting SMME, Entrepreneurial and Youth Development 5. Enhance the Knowledge Economy 6. Early Childhood Development, Primary and Secondary Education 7. Skills alignment to Economic Growth 8. Youth Skills Development & Life-Long Learning 9. Poverty Alleviation & Social Welfare 10. Enhancing Health of Communities and Citizens 11. Enhance Sustainable Household Food Security 12. Promote Sustainable Human Settlements 13.Enhance Safety & Security 14. Advance Social Capital 15. Development of Harbours 16.Development of Ports 17. Development of Road & Rail Networks 18. Development of ICT Infrastructure 19. Improve Water Resource Management & Supply 20. Develop Energy Production and Supply 21. Increase Productive Use of Land 22. Advance Alternative Energy Generation 23. Manage pressures on Biodiversity 24. Adaptation to Climate Change 25. Strengthen Policy and Strategy Co-ordination & IGR 26. Building Government Capacity 27. Eradicating Fraud & Corruption 28. Promote Participative, Facilitative & Accountable Governance 29. Actively Promoting Spatial Concentration 30. Facilitate Integrated Land Management & Spatial Planning 8 8
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. Institutional Framework and Structure for implementing the NDP & MTSF in KwaZulu-Natal 9
30 Strategic Objectives assigned to 18 PGDP Action Work Groups (AWG); Each AWG has a dedicated convenor and an Inter- departmental support team; All Executive Council Clusters have a revised Agenda with AWG Progress Reports as a standing item; 10 Integrated Action and Service Delivery The PGDP Institutional Structure
12 ESID CLUSTER SPCHD CLUSTER G&A CLUSTER JCPS CLUSTER PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MTSF Institutionalised in KZN Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. 1. Education 2. Health 7. Rural development 8. Human settlements 13. Social protection 14. Transforming society and uniting the country 4. Employment 6. Economic infrastructure 10. Environmental assets and natural resources 5. Skilled work force 9. Developmental local government 11. Better South Africa 12. Development oriented public service 3. Safety
13 Reporting lines ___________________________ Office of the Premier PROVINCE OF KWAZULU-NATAL
14 Roles and functions in implementation ___________________________ Office of the Premier PROVINCE OF KWAZULU-NATAL
PGDP Action Work Groups 15 Terms of Reference Convenor: Lead Department Members: Open to all government departments, but core departments must be represented. Formalised non-governmental representation thorough recognised bodies. Responsibilities of Work Group: Developing a Plan of action for implementation, agreeing on: Securing required resources by leveraging from non government partners; Spatial referencing and prioritisation; Monitoring Implementation; and Co-ordinating reporting on progress to the relevant Cluster Annual review and update of the PGDP Coordinate SONA and SOPA inputs
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. PGDP AWGs & Conveners AWG Convening Department ClusterStrategic Objectives 1 DARDESID 1.1Unleash Agricultural Potential 2 DEDTEAESID 1.2Enhance sectoral development through trade and investment 3 DPWESID 1.3Expand government-led job creation programmes 4 DEDTEAESID 1.4Develop SMME and entrepreneurial development 5 DEDTEAESID 1.5Develop the knowledge base to enhance the knowledge economy 6 DOESPCHD 2.1Improve early childhood development, primary and secondary education 7 OTPSPCHD 2.2Support skills alignment to economic growth (KZN HRD Strategy focus) 2.3Enhance Youth Skills Development and Life-Long Learning 8 DSDSPCHD 3.1Alleviate poverty and enhance social welfare 3.3Enhance sustainable household food security in KZN 3.6Advance Social Capital 9 DCSLJCPS 3.5Enhance Safety and Security 10 DOHSPCHD 3.2Enhance Health of Communities and Citizens 11 DHSSPCHD 3.4Develop Sustainable Human Settlements 16
Working Together For A Secure and Prosperous Future. PGDP AWGs & Conveners AWG Convening Department ClusterStrategic Objectives 12 DOTESID 4.1Develop Harbours 4.2Develop Airports 4.3Develop road and rail networks 13 DEDTEAESID 4.4Develop Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure 14 COGTAESID 4.5Improve Water Resource Management and Supply 4.6Improve Energy production and supply 15 DEDTEAESID 5.2Advance alternative energy generation and reduce reliance on fossil fuels 16 DARDESID 5.1Increase Land Productivity 5.3Manage Pressures On Biodiversity 5.4Adapt to climate change 17 OTPG&A 6.1Strengthen Policy and Strategy Coordination and IGR 6.2Build Government Capacity 6.3Eradicate Fraud And Corruption 6.4Promote participative, facilitative and accountable governance 18 COGTAG&A 7.1Actively promote spatial concentration and co-ordination of development interventions 7.2Apply effective spatial planning and land management systems across the province 17
The PGDP Institutional Structure – SIP Alignment 18 AWG Convening Department Reporting Cluster Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) 1DARDESID SIP 11Agri-logistics and Rural Infrastructure 6DOESPCHD SIP 13National School Build Programme SIP 14Higher Education Infrastructure 10DOHSPCHD SIP 11Revitalisation of Public Hospitals and other Health Facilities 12DOTESID SIP 1Unlocking the Northern Mineral Belt with Waterberg as a Catalyst SIP 2Durban-Free State-Gauteng Logistics and Industrial Corridor SIP 3South Eastern Node and Corridor Development SIP 7Integrated Urban Space and Public Transport Programme 13DEDT&EAESID SIP 15Expanding access to communication technology 14COGTAESID SIP 6Integrated Municipal Infrastructure Project SIP 9Electricity Generation to support Socio-Economic Development SIP 10Electricity Transmission and Distribution for all SIP 18Water and Sanitation 15DEDT&EAESID SIP 8Green Economy in support of the South African Economy 17OTPG&A SIP 17Regional Integration for African Co-operation and Development