My Electronic Portfolio (Your Name) (Elementary) Education FSU
MBC's Portfolio Table of Contents zIntroductionIntroduction zPhilosophyPhilosophy zConceptual Framework OverviewConceptual Framework Overview zTechnology Standards OverviewTechnology Standards Overview zDiverse Educational ExperiencesDiverse Educational Experiences zPersonal InformationPersonal Information zMatrixMatrix
MBC's Portfolio Introduction
MBC's Portfolio Philosophy
MBC's Portfolio Conceptual Framework Overview z1. Dedicated ProfessionalDedicated Professional z2. Instructional LeaderInstructional Leader z3. Continuous AssessorContinuous Assessor z4. Educational AdvocateEducational Advocate z5. Collaborative Bridge BuilderCollaborative Bridge Builder z6. Reflective Decision-MakerReflective Decision-Maker
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standards Overview z1. Information Access, Evaluation, Processing, and ApplicationInformation Access, Evaluation, Processing, and Application z2. CommunicationCommunication z3. Legal, Social and Ethical issuesLegal, Social and Ethical issues z4. Assessment for Administration and InstructionAssessment for Administration and Instruction z5. Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and InstructionIntegrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction z6. Assistive TechnologyAssistive Technology z7. Professional GrowthProfessional Growth
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 1 Dedicated Professional zEvidence yWorking the WebWorking the Web yVideoVideo zReflection on meeting the outcome zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 2 Instructional Leader zEvidence zReflection on meeting the outcome zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 3 Continuous Assessor zEvidence zReflection on meeting the outcome zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 4 Educational Advocate zEvidence zReflection on meeting the outcome zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 5 Collaborative Bridge Builder zEvidence zReflection on meeting the outcome zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 6 Reflective Decision-Maker zEvidence zReflection on meeting the outcome zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard1 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard 2 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard 3 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard 4 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard 5 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard 6 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Technology Standard 7 zEvidence zReflection on meeting the standard zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Diverse educational Experiences zEvidence zReflection zFuture learning goals
MBC's Portfolio Personal Information
MBC's Portfolio Matrix
MBC's Portfolio Portfolio End
MBC's Portfolio video zHit the mark
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 1 Evidence Working the Web zArtifactArtifact zDescription zWhy I chose this artifact zImpact on student learning
MBC's Portfolio Outcome 1 Evidence Video zArtifact zDescription zWhy I chose this artifact zImpact on student learning
MBC's Portfolio