“Asking with Passion and without Apology” A Spiritual Approach to Stewardship based on the writings of A Spiritual Approach to Stewardship based on the writings of Henri Nouwen
Encourages us to become more confident and joyful, standing up in our asking, without apology
encourages us to love each other more deeply. to welcome gifts of time, talent and treasure to embrace our donors in community, to engage them with us in a spiritual vision sharing the fruitfulness of accomplishing God’s work together.
“As a form of ministry, Fund-raising is as spiritual as giving a sermon, entering a time of prayer, visiting the sick or feeding the hungry.”
“Those who need money and those who can give money meet on the common ground of God’s love.”
“We must claim the confidence to go to a wealthy person knowing that he or she is just as poor and in need of love as we are.”
“Asking people for money is giving them the opportunity to put their resources at the disposal of the Kingdom.” This is a spiritual way of raising the funds we need to build a dynamic parish.
Both giver and receiver are blessed.
We must welcome donors into communion with the body of Christ that we have assembled in this holy place. We must welcome donors into partnering with the mission and vision of our church. Given the opportunity to experience the mission in action, they will share in our vision and take ownership with us.
Included for your review: “The Spirituality of Fund-Raising” by Henri J. M. Nouwen DVD of Sister Sue Mosteller’s Stewardship Conference presentation on Henri Nouwen’s “The Spirituality of Fund-Raising” Sister Sue represents the Henri Nouwen Society. For Information: Russell Davis Office of Stewardship Diocese of Camden