Germany Josh Chang
Country’s introduction A western European country Spoken a German language Germany’s population is about 80,000,000 and the size is about 140,000mile The capital is Berlin Usually have a Roman Catholic, it’s about 65% to 70% of the population Germany’s highways are no speed limit, it is called Autobahn There are hundreds of castles in Germany
Education in Germany Adult literacy : 99% Mean years of schooling : 12.9year
School Structure Divide by primary school and secondary school. Primary school is called Grundschule(begin at age 6) After Primary school, the highest grades go on to Gymasium, the middle group attend a Realschule, and the third group goes to a Hauptschule
School Life In primary school, students study German, Math, Geography, Music, etc. Generally, the student-teacher relationship is fairly relaxed, and most school days begins at 8 a.m. and end around 1 p.m.
Conclusion Germany’s school divide by primary school and secondary school Most German(about 99%) graduate their school, and their mean of schooling is 12.9years.