1. Name this spinal disorder. scoliosis
2. Number 1 is normal. What disorder is shown in number 2? kyphosis
3. What disorder is this test used to detect? osteoporosis
4. Name this specific covering over the bone shown by red arrow. periosteum
5. Name this specific connective tissue lining shown by red dotted line. endosteum
6. Name this specific cavity shown by red dotted line. Medullary cavity
7. What is found in this specific cavity of an adult shown by red dotted line? Yellow marrow
8. Name this specific connective tissue shown by the blue color. Articular cartilage
9. Name this specific cell. osteocyte
10. Name the “space” these cells lie in. lacuna
11. Name the systems that connect the cells with one another. canaliculi
12. Name this part shown in yellow. There are nine of them on this diagram. concentric lamella
13. Name the bone disease shown here. Normal Diseased osteoporosis
14. Name the bone cell shown by red arrow. osteoblast
15. Name the bone cell shown by red arrow. osteocyte
16. Name the bone cell shown by red arrow. Osteoprogenitor or osteogenic cell
17. Name the bone cell shown here. osteoclast
18. Which represents the set up of bone in the spongy type? A B B
19. Which represents trabeculae? A B B
20. What type of bone fracture is shown here? greenstick
21. What type of bone fracture is shown here? Stress fracture
22. What type of bone fracture is shown here? Compression fracture
Bone repair 23. This is step 1. What is forming here? hematoma
24. What are the diagonal fibers that allow the bone in the picture to bend when the salts are removed? collagen
25. Name the part outlined in yellow. Circumferential lamella
26. Name the part outlined in yellow. Interstitial lamella
27. Name this entire part outlined in yellow. osteon
28. Name these passageways outlined in yellow. Perforating canals
29. What type of ossification is shown here? endochondral
30. What is shown here by the white arrows? Epiphyseal plates or discs
31. What is process is shown here? hematopoiesis
32. What structures are shown here by the red arrows? fontanels
EPIPHYSEAL PLATE ZONES 33. Which region represents the zone of proliferation? ABCDEABCDE B
34. What disorder is shown here? achondroplasia
35. What disorder is shown here? agromegaly
36. What disorder is shown here? gigantism
37. What disorder is shown here? kyphosis
38. What disorder is shown here? scoliosis
39. What disorder is shown here? polydactyly
40. What disorder is shown here? NORMAL BONE DISEASED BONE osteoporosis