Relating to the Public
Introduction A well-crafted and executed public relations program supports the library’s strategic and marketing plan – but never replaces it.
Overview Board responsibilities Tools of the trade Bad things can happen Crisis management
Lesson Objective By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Define what is “public relations” Describe steps in crisis management
What is Public Relations? Activities that support public recognition and respect Describes the relationship between organization and public Tool to influence public opinion favorably Protects image in a moment of crisis Integral part of advocacy IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
The Role of Trustees Be well-informed about library services Listen to what residents know/not know Make presentations to community groups Convey information about important issues IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
The Role of Trustees Dialogue with community leaders Identify and address “information gaps” Identify themselves as library trustees Be vocal and visible library advocates
Responsibilities of Trustees Help develop proactive PR plan Fund the PR plan Participate in the the PR plan Evaluate the impact of PR IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
PR Tools of the Trade Press kit Feature stories Special events Press releases Public relations calendar Media training
PR Tools of the Trade Interviews Presentations Government relations Media relations/contacts and lists Publicity Letters to the editor
Negative situations center on: Business practices and ethics Financial problems False advertising Disasters Safety, health and environmental problems IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
Negative situations center on: Product and service failures Worker misconduct Legal issues Sex, pornography IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
Why Libraries? Highly visible public institutions Public has sense of ownership Lack resource to cultivate press Challenging to serve diverse constituencies
Avoid the Crisis Written policies that meet legal standards Training for staff and trustees Information about issues causing problems Pro-active rather than reactive strategies IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
Avoid the Crisis Crisis management plan Designated spokesperson Positive relationships with media
Crisis Management Plan Team authorized to make decisions Guidelines for making problem a priority Protocols for contacting key individuals Training for front line staff Designated spokesperson IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
Crisis Management Plan Procedures for disseminating information Communication with internal and external audiences Checklist of questions that media will ask Up-to-date policies
Crisis Management Plan Written policies regarding roles Procedures for monitoring public response Post crisis analysis and report Sample scenarios for trial runs
Designated Spokesperson Avoids sending mixed messages Prevents giving conflicting information Trained to manage difficult situations Staff knows who he/she is All information requests referred to him/her Director or board president or PR director IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
Role of Spokesperson Understands crisis management Well-versed on the problem Fills in information gaps Educates and translates library jargon Understands how the media works Knows how to handle tough questions
Role of Spokesperson Is credible/quotable Disseminates only appropriate information Assures consistency Assures conformance with policies, procedures Provides for prompt follow-up with press Informs internal stakeholders at crisis points
Crisis Management 101 Never cover up a problem Do nothing that makes it worse Be open and honest Admit mistake, explain how will be fixed Demonstrate concern Be responsive/avoid delays Crises sometimes present opportunities IMPORTANT – PAUSE HERE AND EMPHASIZE
Trustees Need to Ask What happened? What information do we have? What information do we need? Who has that information?
Trustees Need to Ask Who needs to know? What are the short-term consequences? What are the long-term implications?
Resources A list of books is available at the end of this section in your toolkit.
REVIEW PR is a communications tool Trustees are involved in public relations Libraries need PR plans and tools In a crisis, a designated spokesperson is essential