Yoana Anandita NTP Indonesia ACSM Sub Group Meeting 30 Nov-1 Dec 2009
Population : 225 M Area : km2 Islands : Provinces : 33 Districts/Municipalities: 450 Ethnic Groups : 300
R1: Strengthening DOTS Expasion Indonesia first grant from GFATM for TB R5: Equitable DOTS for All R8: Consolidating Progress and Ensuring Quality DOTS for All”
Supportive Environment: Coordination and partnership development (national, community, public-private) Care and Support: Supporting patients through direct observation of treatment
Community Systems Strengthening Prevention: BCC - community outreach Supportive environment: Coordination and partnership development (national, community, public-private) Supportive environment: Strengthening of civil society and institutional capacity building
Community TB Care by new PR: PP Aisyiyah
Planning : 5years strategic plan and ACSM Framework Proposal Preparation Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation
Partners meeting: Input from partners (technical, implementing partners, other supporting donor) Invite partners’ proposal to be included in Indonesia Proposal Prepare and write with partners, reviewed by partners (CCM, TWG, Partners Forum, National Expert Committee)
As SR: Inter Program, Inter Department, NGOs, FBOs, Proffesional Assosciation etc Call for Proposal to invite partners including civil society to implent the grant through mass media and TB Indonesia website Review in steps (CCM, APR, TWG&Independen (Team Review Proposal) Active in collaboration in central activities (implementing unit)
CCM SR Selection Team (PR+CCM) PR Potential SR Gov/NGO/FBO/others ProposalProposal recommendations Call for proposals Proposals Capacity assesment
Case detection 70%target achieved, since 2006 Treatment success 85% target achieved, since 2000 Incidence declining at 2.4% annually Prevalence declining at 4% annually Mortality already halved by 2007 On track to meet the MDGs
Numbers people training in ACSM, Interpersonal Communication Increase number of the partners in fighting TB Patient and community groups involvement ISTC and Patient Charter as advocacy tools National TB campaign KAP 2004 vs 2009 result?
Sustainability : we need a decentalization strategic Partners support is very important Potential allies to involve in implementing Importance of coordination with other grant: KNCV, WHO, others donors through NGO Time constraint: plan vs disburshment